Governance Structure
Companhia Paranaense de Energia is a mixed capital publicly traded company and currently the largest company in the State of Paraná. Headquartered in Curitiba, Copel operates through its subsidiaries in the areas of generation, transmission, distribution and commercialization of energy.
Copel’s corporate governance structure is made up of statutory and non-statutory advisory bodies, with different levels of responsibility. The Company is managed by the Board of Directors and the Executive Board, as established in the Bylaws, in accordance with Federal Law No. 6,404/1976.

Advisory Bodies
Advisory bodies have a consultative nature and are important instruments to support companies’ decision-making. At Copel, the support committees for the Board of Directors are divided into two categories: statutory and non-statutory, with specific responsibilities of analysis and recommendation on certain matters.
Statutory Advisory Bodies
Copel has four statutory advisory committees, with the function of supporting the decision-making process with information and analysis of issues related to the scope of their duties detailed in their respective internal regulations.
Statutory Audit Committee (CAE), Investment and Innovation Committee (CII), Sustainable Development Committee (CDS) and People Committee (CDG) are independent bodies of a consultative and permanent nature to advise the Board of Directors.
Non-statutory Advisory Bodies
Copel has four non-statutory advisory bodies, with the function of supporting decision-making, with information and analysis of matters relating to the scope of their duties detailed in their respective internal regulations.
Executive Board
Copel’s Executive Board is made up of the Holding’s Executive Board, whose executive board is made up of nine members, including: a President; a Vice President of People and Management; a Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations; a Supply Director; a Vice President of Strategy, New Business and Digital Transformation; a Vice President of Regulation and Market; a Vice President of Legal and Compliance; a Director of Governance, Risk and Compliance; and a Communications Director, and by the Directors of the direct Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries (Copel Geração e Transmissão, Copel Distribuição, Copel Comercialização and Copel Serviços), responsible for carrying out the Company’s core activities.
To learn more about the duties and duties of the Executive Boards, see the Bylaws. To learn about each person’s profile, access the tabs dedicated to each body. To find out how they are structured, access the Organization Chart.