Internal Audit
Copel’s Internal Auditing aims to develop, with independence and objectivity, the provision of assessment and consulting services in order to add value and contribute to the achievement of corporate objectives by applying a systematic and disciplined approach, contributing to the improvement of the effectiveness of processes, risk management, internal controls and corporate governance, assisting the decision-making process in the various hierarchical levels of the Company.

Article 30, VIII, of the Bylaws defines as one of the competencies of the Board of Directors to approve the annual internal audit work plan with the support of the Statutory Audit Committee. Among the main responsibilities of Internal Audit are:
- develop and execute the Company’s Annual Audit Plan, covering the Copel corporation, its business units and holdings;
- carry out audit work required by the Board of Directors, Statutory Audit Committee and the Company’s Executive Boards;
- submit to senior management and the Statutory Audit Committee and Board of Directors a risk-based audit plan for review and approval;
- monitor findings and corrective actions and periodically report to senior management and the Statutory Audit Committee any corrective actions not implemented effectively;
- ensure that the principles of integrity, objectivity, confidentiality and competence are applied and complied with.

Internal Auditing at Copel earned the International Quality Assessment Certification on 03.28.2019, granted by the Instituto dos Auditores Internos do Brasil (IIA Brazil), which represents the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA Global) in Brazil. The international certification attests the use of global best practices and compliance with international standards for the professional practice of internal auditing.
Until the transformation of Copel into a corporation and in accordance with the provisions of art. 13, item X of decree 8,945, of December 27, 2016 (the protection of confidential information and personal information is ensured, in accordance with Law No. 12,527/2011) Copel’s Internal Audit has published its Annual Activity Reports (RAINT) on the company’s website on a permanent and cumulative basis, since 2017, with the aim of providing transparency to the main activities carried out.
Note: in the reports, the reference to ‘Copel Corporativo’ (Corporate Copel) refers to corporate processes that cover, in a general way, Copel, its Business units and 100% Subsidiaries.