Sustainability Management

In this Sustainability Management environment, in addition to indicators, goals and opportunities for socio-environmental action, information on risk management, the history of sustainability in the Company, the awards received and granted by Copel, as well as the Transparency Portal, are concentrated.

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Sustainability at Copel

Copel is a pioneer in the management of environmental, social and corporate governance issues. Throughout its history, it has consolidated itself as a company committed to providing energy and solutions for the sustainable development of society, being the first company in the electricity sector to join the Global Compact of the United Nations – UN, dated July 12, 2000.

Sustainability Documents
and Publications

In order to provide transparency to the Company’s practices and facilitate the search for information, Copel’s corporate sustainability and corporate governance publications and documents are concentrated in this environment.

Get to know the materials created to promote sustainability, Copel’s annual reports, newsletters, manuals, magazines, videos and the paths of other pages related to the theme.

ESG Programs

Copel, committed to the public interest that justified its creation, develops several actions in favor of sustainable development. The Company’s initiatives seek to guarantee the rational use of natural resources, the preservation of biodiversity, access to clean and renewable energy, innovation in processes, the reduction of the impacts of climate change, the guarantee of human dignity and the economic growth of communities. communities served by the Company.

The ESG Programs (environmental, social and governance) are planned and executed with the purpose of bringing the quality of Copel’s services, from the projects to the final consumer.

Monitoring and Management

Copel’s permanent goal is to improve its business management processes, making it increasingly sustainable


Copel believes that recognition is fundamental to value the best initiatives. Find out more about the work developed

Transparency Portal

The Transparency Portal, created in June 2014, aims to facilitate access to information about Copel