Performance Evaluation - Employees
The performance evaluation of Copel employees is carried out by the Nossa Energia Program. Structured and consolidated within the Company, it contributes to the development of employees’ potential.
The program, guided by the Mission, Vision and Values of the Company’s Strategic Reference, has the premises of promoting transparency; encourage dialogue between managers and employees; align people’s performance with achieving Copel’s strategic objectives; and assist in decision-making regarding career, remuneration and development.
The program is applied to 100% of employees and helps in preparing development plans and making decisions about salary promotion, functional adjustment, participation in conferences, training, postgraduate programs and foreign language courses, among others.

Since 2013, Copel has had a corporate performance assessment program, called Nossa Energia, which covers all company employees and establishes a standardized way of monitoring and evaluating employee performance, based on meritocracy.
In 2021, in line with Copel’s strategic objectives, defined in the Strategic Map, the Nossa Energia program underwent a revitalization, with the central point being a focused and structured Performance Management program with well-defined competencies.
This revitalization process included the participation of a large part of Copel’s leadership and the support of consultancy from Fundação Instituto de Administração – FIA/USP. The revitalization of the program was a milestone of structural change in the model, however, each program implementation cycle allows learning and improvements to be made to provide greater adherence to the Company’s culture and reality.
In 2024, the evaluation process in the 360º model was implemented for the company’s executives (Executive President, Directors, Assistants, Advisors and Superintendents), through which each executive carries out their self-evaluation and is evaluated by their superior(s), subordinates, peers and customers based on competencies defined by the company.
Multidimensional performance assessment
The current Nossa Energia model is anchored by the following pillars: Competencies, Axes of Action and Levels of Complexity, which seek to evaluate and differentiate the roles and responsibilities of professionals, according to their role, development, maturity and career progression.
Regarding the assessment flow, the program has self-assessment; intermediate assessment; calibration in the assessment flow (which aims to enable greater balance and homogeneity in the application of assessment); and development plans (which include frequent follow-up conversations), allowing a multidimensional view and providing more input into the process, in addition to the manager’s perception.
Depending on the result of your evaluation, the employee’s performance is associated with one of the following performance groups: professional does not meet the performance criteria; professional partially meets the performance criteria; professional meets performance criteria; professional exceeds performance criteria; professional highlight.
This association allows different statistics, analyses, classifications and comparisons to be carried out, as well as assisting in the preparation of development plans and decision-making regarding the application of possible measures for the development and appreciation of employees, called performance policies.
Agile conversations
Throughout the year, managers promote conversations to monitor employee development plans and intermediate performance assessments. To this end, Copel provides different resources in a specific system in order to enable and support the carrying out of agile conversations, such as the “Log Diary” and “Continuous Feedback”, through which it is possible to receive, send and request returns from easily and quickly.
Individual Development Plan
The Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a tool that aims at the continuous growth and improvement of employees, aligning personal and professional objectives with the organization’s goals.
Through the PID, employees are encouraged to identify their areas for improvement, define specific goals and create an action plan to achieve them. This approach strengthens individual development and contributes to the company’s success, by cultivating an environment of constant learning and evolution.
Team-based performance appraisal
At Copel, this practice is carried out through the Performance Award Program (PPD), implemented in 2020. Since then, objectives have been established annually that are distributed to other hierarchical levels of the company through indicators, goals and satisfaction assessments. between areas. In this way, all Copel employees contribute to the team’s goals and, consequently, the Company’s. At the end of the cycle, based on the achievement of defined goals, performance is determined and each employee has access to the results of the Goal Achievement Index.
Management by objectives
Copel has three programs aimed at management by objectives and cover all Copel employees. The first is the Copel Profit Sharing Program (PLR), which establishes the achievement of corporate objectives. The second is the Performance Award (PPD), the payment of which is conditional on the verification of a previously established performance. The presentation, scope and implementation of the PPD can be consulted here.
Finally, there are Employee Development Plans which are formal action plans and follow the guidelines of management by objectives, where each employee aligns, negotiates and contracts with their manager the development objectives that will be monitored and evaluated throughout the year, based on the performance evaluation carried out.
The result of the performance assessment encourages professionals to reflect on their own development and career, through the preparation of their Development Plan.
Employee development plans are formal action plans and follow the guidelines of management by objectives, where each employee aligns, negotiates and contracts with their manager the development objectives that will be monitored and evaluated throughout the year.
The results of the assessments also support the planning of corporate training and qualification programs, which contribute to improving performance and achieving strategic objectives.
Furthermore, the evaluation result serves as important information for mobility and career progression, thus contributing to the appreciation of Copel employees.

Complementary Actions
In 2023, in addition to the Nossa Energia Program, the 3D Feedback program was launched at Copel Distribuição (the group’s largest subsidiary, which accounts for more than 65% of the company’s workforce), which aims to foster a culture of constructive feedback, which values open communication, mutual and continuous growth.
Thus, employees can be evaluated by multiple sources, leaders, peers, self-report and subordinates. Returns and analyzes can be carried out throughout the year, as people constantly evolve, change and learn.
During the period, 208,740 interactions were recorded, with the participation of 3,714 active employees, of which 3,255 were evaluators and 3,689 were evaluated. This engagement highlights the success of 3D Feedback in promoting a transparent and development-focused organizational culture.
For the company’s executives (Executive President, Directors, Assistants, Advisors and Superintendents), from 2024 onwards, the evaluation process in the 360º model was implemented, through which each executive carries out their self-assessment and is evaluated by their superior(s), subordinates, peers and clients based on competencies defined by the company, being: Energy to achieve Sustainable Results, Energy to Innovate and Transform, Energy to Integrate and Collaborate, Energy to act strategically, Energy to Lead in an Inspiring way, Energy to Delight the Customer.
Afterwards, executives receive feedback and guidance for preparing their development plan.
To find out more about the evaluation of collegial bodies, access the top management performance evaluation page.