- Top Management
The performance evaluation of Copel’s statutory bodies is conducted annually, as set forth in Article 81 of the Bylaws, in compliance with CVM Instruction 480, in line with the Policy of Performance Assessment Statutory Bodies (NPC 0319) and with the best corporate governance practices, and is conducted by the Board of Directors with methodological support from the Nominating and Evaluation Committee.
The process is conducted through an Independent Consultancy (Fundação Instituto de Administração – FIA/USP), with robust experience in performance programs for senior management, which brings security and assertiveness in each of the planned stages, as well as in the important addressing improvement actions.
The process covers the statutory bodies of the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries and includes the evaluation of the Corporate Governance Secretariat regarding the services provided to the statutory bodies.
The performance evaluation is carried out collectively and individually, with peer and self-assessment, and has a positive influence on the alignment of the Company’s management, with independence guaranteed by hiring external consultancy.

The final result of the performance evaluation process of the Board of Directors and the Executive Boards is presented in a meeting with these bodies, showing the individual and collective performance, as well as the improvements identified for the new cycle.
The evaluation process covers qualitative and quantitative aspects. The qualitative aspects are evaluated collectively and individually, and were revisited in order to address the main points of development focusing on the main deliverables.
For the bodies, the criteria are listed from the following blocks: Fulfillment of Responsibilities; Compliance; Relationship, and Working Dynamics.
As for the members of the statutory bodies, the criteria were defined from three blocks, which are Acting and Updating; Independence and Compliance and Commitment and Participation in the Collegiate.
The quantitative aspects are valid for the directorates and are linked to the management contracts of each one, being subsidies for the development plans.
As a synonym for continuous improvement in its processes, Copel continuously improves its performance evaluation model, aiming at having a process that is appropriate to the current dynamics and focused on reinforcing a performance management process, which goes beyond just evaluating performance.
First, relying on the support of external consultants, the model was reformulated, keeping the assessment of individual and collective contributions, but moving forward with improvements in the following items: simplification/standardization (when possible); focus on the main deliveries, direct, clear, assertive phrases; and elimination of redundancies; phrases that the evaluator(s) have elements to evaluate.
Second, as part of the performance management process, the post-evaluation stage was structured to provide the member with an effective follow-up on his or her development. This stage will rely on subsidies from the qualitative evaluation carried out and, specifically for the directorates, also from the results presented according to the management commitment of each directorate, enabling the improvement of the performance of all involved, both individually and collectively.

Results Achieved Top Management
The results of the evaluation were used for the continuous improvement of individual performance and management of each statutory body of Copel and its wholly-owned subsidiaries. In addition, it has been contributing to:
- the improvement of processes, information flow and the interface of the Board of Directors with the Executive Board and the control bodies;
- the strengthening and credibility of Corporate Governance, with the disclosure of performance to shareholders and society, as well as reinforcing the support offered to the CEO;
- the alignment of the executives’ deliveries to the organizational strategy;
- the direction of the CEO’s actions towards the execution of the strategic planning;
- the basis for decisions related to people management and the promotion of transparency in management; and
- the identification and direction of the development and improvement needs of the executives.

Last cycle results
In the last cycle, the perception obtained is that the bodies have a very well-structured dynamic, with relevant directions and organization to lead to the best decisions, however, there are opportunities for continued improvements in the dynamics of meetings, in the advice provided by the committees, in deepening specific and relevant topics, in increasing diversity and finally, in continuing the development of collegiate bodies in general, improving relationships and the flow of communication. Specifically at an individual level (members), based on the results analyzed, the consultancy highlighted the importance of updating on emerging themes, assertive and continuous feedback, improving skills for the context of each body in the debates of each theme, considering the willingness to listen and express positions in order to add value to the decision and, consequently, to the company’s results.
Continued Development Plan
Given the importance of continued improvement of the bodies and their members, the performance assessment provided elements for the preparation of a plan that covers topics of a legal nature for the bodies, such as the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and Discrimination and Harassment, related good governance practices, with topics such as risk management, cybersecurity and code of conduct. It also aims to encourage knowledge of innovative business models related to the Company’s sector of activity through market references (benchmarkings). At an individual level, improvement actions start from feedback conversations that guide the action plan for each member in their context of action.
The plan is prepared by the presidents and coordinators of each body and has the support of the independent consultancy contracted, as well as the support of Copel’s Corporate University.
For the company’s executives (Executive President, Directors, Assistants, Advisors and Superintendents), from 2024 onwards, the evaluation process in the 360º model was implemented, through which each executive carries out their self-assessment and is evaluated by their superior(s), subordinates, peers and clients based on competencies defined by the company, being: Energy to achieve Sustainable Results, Energy to Innovate and Transform, Energy to Integrate and Collaborate, Energy to act strategically, Energy to Lead in an Inspiring way, Energy to Delight the Customer.
Afterwards, executives receive feedback and guidance for preparing their development plan.