Urban Forests

The Urban Forests Program provides free quality seedlings and guidance on urban tree management. Implemented in 2007 and reformulated in 2015 by Copel’s environmental and social responsibility department, it has already benefited around one hundred municipalities, with the planting of over 85,000 trees.

The goal is fostering a fine urban afforestation management, by planting adequate species in each city location. Thus, small-size species planting, where electric power passes, is essential to enable there are no blackouts and decrease cutting requirements.

The on-line seedling request shall be performed by the cities, and the removal is performed in the botanical garden of Governador Ney Aminthas de Barros Braga Power Station (Segredo), in Reserva do Iguaçu/PR.

Ativo 40-50

Urban afforestation guide

This guide is another Copel action aimed at smooth integration of power and vegetation networks. It is a basic guidance tool for public road afforestation planning in the urban setting.

Seedling request procedures

To known the step-by-step, criteria and other guidance to participate of seedling supply actions, access the file.

Urban Afforestation Municipal Plan Development Guide

Copel participates of Inter-Institution Work Committee for Urban Afforestation Municipal Plans, integrated by technical professional of Paraná State Public Attorney ́s Office – MPPR, Paraná Forestry Engineer Association - APEF, Regional Biology Council - CRBIO-07, Paraná Environment Institute - IAP, Paraná Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Institute - EMATER, Paraná Regional Engineering and Agronomics Council - CREA-PR, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR, and Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste - UNICENTRO.
In order to subsidize Paraná State Municipalities concerning requirements, topics and stages that should be included in the Urban Afforestation Municipal Plan Manual, the document second issue was published (reviewed and updated).

Questions and information about the Urban Forests Program can be sent to the email forests.urbanas@copel.com.
Responsible area: Environment and Social Responsibility Division (VMAR)

New planting request

Fill in the form below with the information requested, by the end you shall attach the planting planning file, which shall be filled in according to the template provided below.

Template form to new seedling planting.

Tree replacement request

Fill in the form below with the information requested, by the end you shall attach the planting planning file, which shall be filled in according to the template provided below.

Template document for tree replacement.


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Urban Forests

The Urban Forests Program provides free quality seedlings and guidance on urban tree management. Implemented in 2007 and reformulated in 2015 by Copel’s environmental and

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