Supplier Development

The transfer of know-how, technologies, safety practices, management, and socio-environmental responsibility, aims to build and maintain an increasingly capable and sustainable supply chain.

Copel’s supplier development actions involve, besides the principles of trust and mutual learning, the exchange of knowledge through manuals, training, seminars and meetings.

Information / Training:

In 2020, due to the pandemic, Copel started a new relationship and development practice with suppliers by holding online events, in the form of a webinar. This practice started to be carried out on a bimonthly basis, with the objective of disseminating, to suppliers and partners, the best practices related to management, sustainability, occupational safety and health, human rights, diversity, compliance and environmental management.

After the events are held, the recording and answers to questions asked via chat are available so that this knowledge can be replicated to its employees and partners. After a few months of events in this format, we have already implemented improvements in our practice and started to extend the webinar invitation to the second level of the chain, asking all invited suppliers to pass on the event invitation to their main suppliers, and also to indicate in the registration form the email of at least 3 of your main suppliers.

Vendor Access to ESG References:

During training, success cases related to the topics discussed are presented. In addition, the evaluated suppliers receive feedback on their performance, in accordance with the specific evaluation rules of the Supplier Performance Index (IDF), and can consult the list of the best ranked ones and those that received quality certifications on the virtual portal.

Supplier Support:

Currently, Copel Distribuição is carrying out a project to develop suppliers of materials evaluated with low performance, which classifies suppliers as satisfactory, acceptable and unsatisfactory. For suppliers in the unsatisfactory group, meetings and exclusive follow-up are held, with the aim of improving quality indicators and delivery time for this type of supply.

Specialized technical support programs:

In order to improve the identification and measurement of greenhouse gas emissions (scope 3), in 2021, Copel promoted a virtual event on Climate Change, which addressed topics such as: global warming, impacts of climate change, greenhouse gases and GHG inventory, carbon neutralization, GHG emissions at Copel, supplier and inventory, with the content permanently available on the website dedicated to suppliers and partners. A workshop was also held focusing on tips and clarifications on how to prepare a GHG inventory, in order to reinforce this subject and bring the discussion to a more practical side. Copel provides a channel for guidance in the preparation of the first inventory, and a manual for companies that guides and assists in the preparation of the aforementioned Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Inventory.


Table of Supplier Qualifications


Number of Participating Suppliers


Percentage of Critical Suppliers


Manuals for Suppliers

Copel provides its suppliers and partners with a series of manuals with guiding content, aiming to share, in addition to its principles and values, practices, processes and initiatives to improve management for sustainability in its supply chain.

Code of Conduct

Human Rights 

Supplier Manual

Guidance Guide Occupational Health and Safety for Contracted Companies

Manual for Solid Waste Management 

Manual for Transporting Hazardous Substances

Manual for the preparation of the PGRCC 

Manual for the preparation of the GHG inventory for Suppliers (Response Form)

Sustainability Promotion

Promoting sustainability is one of Copel's initiatives to engage employees, society and other stakeholders.

Outsourced Training

The outsourced professionals of all service contracts must follow, in addition to the policy guidelines, the Occupational Health and Safety Manual.


This is the space destined for you, a Copel supplier, or for you who want to become one.