Supplier Development
The transfer of knowledge, technologies, safety practices, management and socio-environmental responsibility aims to build and maintain an increasingly capable and sustainable supply chain.
Copel’s supplier development actions involve, in addition to the principles of trust and mutual learning, the exchange of knowledge through manuals, training, lectures, seminars and meetings.

Information and Training
Every year, Copel invites its suppliers to participate in events for its development. The topics revolve around health and safety, management, sustainability, legislation and the like.
In 2020, due to the pandemic, Copel started a new practice of supplier relationships and development by holding online events, in a webinar format. This practice began to be carried out every two months, with the aim of disseminating, to suppliers and partners, the best practices related to management, sustainability, occupational health and safety, human rights, diversity, compliance and environmental management.
After the events take place, the recording and answers to questions asked through the conversation channel are made available so that the knowledge can be replicated to your employees and partners. After a few months of events in this format, improvements were implemented, which made it possible to extend the webinar invitation to the second level of the chain, asking all invited suppliers to forward the event invitation to their main suppliers, and also to indicate on the form email sign-up from at least 3 of your main suppliers.
In 2023, Continuous Improvement Program, Effective Communication and Conflict Management, Innovation and Competitiveness courses were offered; workshops on Quality Management and People Management and Development; as well as lectures on Excellence in customer service, Organizational Performance Management and ESG Basic Concepts.
In addition to events focused on suppliers, this audience is encouraged to participate in part of the training offered to Copel’s workforce, as occurred with the SDG Seminar in the Electricity Sector and the Importance of Due Diligence in Human Rights.
Copel suppliers have permanent access to the catalog of training carried out by the Company, available on the Supplier Training page:
- Compliance for suppliers;
- New Copel code of conduct;
- Leadership Development;
- LGPD and the impact on contracts and suppliers;
- Information security in everyday life;
- INNOVATE! A look at the future of your company;
- Innovating and generating value together;
- A conversation about sustainability (Human Rights and Climate Change);
- ESG, SDG and Sustainability;
- ESG practices;
- Climate change;
- Mitigation of impacts on natural habitats;
- Biodiversity, does this have to do with your business?;
- Human rights and diversity;
- Violence against women;
- Workplace safety;
- Tax aspects – Inbound and Equalization of Proposals;
- Decree 10,024/2019;
- Web series: Energy of sustainability.
Supplier access to ESG benchmarks
Sustainable Supplier Management is one of the material themes for Copel. Therefore, sharing ESG references with this audience is a relevant and strategic activity for the Company.
During training for suppliers, news and success stories related to the topics discussed are presented, as well as lessons learned by Copel. A significant part of the training offered is on ESG matters, taught by internal experts and guests.
Periodically, Copel carries out a sustainability survey with its suppliers to map their needs, expectations and sustainability actions.
It is worth highlighting that the materiality process (from which priority themes for Copel are defined) involved a broad consultation with all Copel stakeholders, including suppliers, with the aim of understanding what the groups that affect or are affected by Copel understand that the Company must prioritize.
Supplier Certification and Awards
Copel has certification and award programs to recognize its suppliers, considering the best performances, the incentive for continuous improvement, the alignment with Copel’s strategic objectives and the good results presented. This audience is evaluated using the Supplier Performance Index (IDF), considering technical, operational, administrative aspects, the quality of management processes and engagement with Corporate Sustainability.
The evaluated suppliers receive feedback on their performance, in accordance with the IDF’s specific evaluation rules, and can consult the list of the best classified and that received quality certifications on the virtual portal. This way, they have access to benchmarks in relation to their peers.
Discover Copel Distribuição’s Supplier Management and Copel Geração e Transmissão Supplier Management Programs.
Supplier Support
Currently, Copel Distribuição is carrying out a project to develop suppliers of materials evaluated with low yield, which classifies suppliers as satisfactory, acceptable and unsatisfactory. For suppliers in the unsatisfactory performance group, meetings and exclusive monitoring are held, with the aim of improving quality indicators and delivery times for supply.
Specialized technical support programs:
Copel carries out in-depth technical support actions to develop suppliers’ ESG capacity and performance. Aiming to improve the identification and measurement of greenhouse gas emissions (scope 3), in 2021, Copel promoted a virtual event on Climate Change, which addressed topics such as: global warming, impacts of climate change, greenhouse gases and GHG inventory, carbon neutralization, GHG emissions at Copel, supplier and inventory, with the content permanently available on the website dedicated to suppliers and partners. A workshop was also held focusing on tips and clarifications on how to prepare a GHG inventory, in order to reinforce this subject and bring the discussion to a more practical side. Copel provides a channel for guidance in the preparation of the first inventory, and a manual for companies that guides and assists in the preparation of the aforementioned Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory.
Supplier Training Table | |
Number of Participating Suppliers | 212 |
Percentage of Critical Suppliers | 18.31% |
Manuals for Suppliers
Copel provides its suppliers and partners with a series of manuals with guiding content, aiming to share, in addition to its principles and values, practices, processes and initiatives to improve management for sustainability in its supply chain.
Guidance Guide Occupational Health and Safety for Contracted Companies
Manual for Solid Waste Management
Manual for Transporting Hazardous Substances
Manual for the preparation of the PGRCC
Manual for the preparation of the GHG inventory for Suppliers (Response Form)