
As a result of the high level of regulation of the electricity market and the high degree of transparency required due to the IPO on the Stock Exchanges, even before the determinations contained in the specific laws, Copel had already instituted rigorous mechanisms of internal controls, rules and procedures that, among other things, aim to ensure compliance with established rules and the prevention of acts of corruption.

The actions taken started to be coordinated together with the creation of the Governance, Risk and Compliance Board and the publication of Copel’s Integrity Program in 2017. With the appropriate organization, definition of specific objectives, and concentration of efforts, Compliance has gained prominence in the Company.

Due to the new structure, in the following years it was possible to implement new measures and improve mechanisms, which resulted in recognition from prestigious institutions in the Compliance area:

  • Transparency International TRAC Brazil
  • Company most adherent to the Law of State-Owned Companies – FGV
  • Best governance in Brazil among state-owned companies – B3’s – Programa Destaque em Governança das Estatais
  • Pro-Ethical Company Seal 2018-2019 and 2020-2021.

Whistleblower Channel

At Copel, complaints about fraud, irregularities, guidance on ethical conduct and moral harassment are handled by different channels and by specific processes and, in all of them, there is the Company’s commitment to handle the issue according to the precepts of each channel.

Discrimination and Harassment

Among Copel’s values, foreseen in the Company’s strategic reference framework, are ethics and respect for people, which guide its actions with related parties and stakeholders, values the trust earned throughout its history and encourages consideration and courtesy towards others. The company is committed to supporting, protecting and preserving human rights and labor relations, adopting policies and practices that contribute to this end.

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is an auxiliary collegiate body to the Board of Directors, created with the mission of contributing so that the Company is permanently guided by ethical principles that are in line with Copel’s values, with the principles of the Global Compact and with the principles of Corporate Governance. In addition, the Committee is responsible for ensuring the dissemination and effective application of the precepts and guidelines of the Code of Conduct by employees, administrators and contractors.

Pro-Ethics Program (CGU)

Created by the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) in partnership with the Ethos Institute, the Pro-Ethics program aims to encourage companies to adopt policies and actions necessary to create an environment of integrity that reduces the risks of fraud and corruption.

ISO Certification

Copel is ISO 37.301 certified – Compliance Management System, which attests to the best compliance management practices in companies, within the scope of management and operation of the Copel Holding Integrity Program in Compliance, Internal Controls and Corporate Risks activities.