ISO Certification

Copel is ISO 37.301 certified – Compliance Management System, which attests to the best compliance management practices in companies, within the scope of management and operation of the Copel Holding Integrity Program in Compliance, Internal Controls and Corporate Risks activities.

The adequacy of Copel’s Compliance management system to the criteria of ABNT NBR ISO 37.301:2021 – Compliance Management Systems, reinforces Copel’s commitment to complying with relevant laws, regulatory requirements and organizational standards, as well as good governance standards, generally accepted best practices, ethics, and community expectations.

One of the objectives of ISO 37301 certification is to help organizations develop and disseminate a positive culture of Compliance. Some benefits are:

  • Increase the Company’s maturity in Compliance management;
  • Demonstration of an organization’s commitment to managing its Compliance risks effectively and efficiently;
  • Improving business opportunities and business sustainability;
  • Protection and improvement of the organization’s credibility and reputation;
  • Improved understanding of stakeholder expectations;
    Increase third-party confidence in the organization’s ability to achieve sustained success;
  • Minimize the risk of a misdemeanor/violation occurring with the associated costs and reputational damage;
  • Increase the possibility of maintaining the seals and recognition received by the Company for its integrity actions already implemented.