
The principles that guide Copel’s Integrity actions are based on the Company’s values, on the Code of Conduct and on the Global Compact of the United Nations (UN).

The actions carried out by the responsible areas are compiled in the Integrity Program, whose purpose is the correct treatment of ethical and conduct deviations and mainly the implementation of anti-corruption measures.

As fundamental points for the good performance of the Program, the Code of Conduct and the Denouncement Channels are highlighted.

Integrity Policy

Available in portuguese only

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct applies to all employees, interns, suppliers, service providers, outsourced workers, directors and officers of the Holding Company, as well as of its wholly-owned subsidiaries. Since the adoption of our Code of Conduct, we have not granted any implicit or explicit waiver of any section of our Code to the persons to whom it applies.

Integrity Program

Copel’s Integrity Program has as its purpose the correct treatment of ethical and conduct deviations and mainly the implementation of anti-corruption measures adopted for the prevention, detection and remediation of acts that are harmful to the company, involving, for example, the occurrence of bribery, kickbacks, conflicts of interest, fraud in bidding processes and payments, among others.


As a result of the high level of regulation of the electricity market and the high degree of transparency required as a result of going public on the Stock Exchanges, even before the determinations contained in the specific legislation, Copel had already instituted rigorous mechanisms of internal controls, norms and procedures that, among other aspects, aim to ensure compliance with the established rules and the prevention of acts of corruption.

Internal Controls

Copel, a mixed capital company that is part of the State Indirect Administration, is also a publicly traded company, with shares traded on stock exchanges, subject to compliance with an extensive set of laws and regulations, domestic and foreign, among them to formally constitute a risk management, compliance, and internal controls structure, following the criteria established in the COSO 2013 framework.


Copel’s Internal Audit aims to develop, with independence and objectivity, the provision of assessment and consulting services in order to add value and contribute to the achievement of corporate objectives by applying a systematic and disciplined approach, contributing to the improvement of the effectiveness of processes, risk management, internal controls and corporate governance, assisting the decision-making process in the various hierarchical levels of the Company.

Political Donation

As provided for in Law No. 9,096/95, in Article 31,

“Art. 31. The party is prohibited from receiving, directly or indirectly, in any form or pretext, monetary or estimable contributions or assistance in cash, including through advertising of any kind, from public entities and legal entities of any nature, except for the allocations referred to in art. 38 of this Law and those coming from the Special Campaign Financing Fund;”