EducaODS Program

EducaODS Program The EducaODS Program is an initiative of Copel that aims to consolidate the actions in favor of the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda and the Voluntary Commitments assumed by Copel, linking them to the Strategic Framework and the organizational values of the Company. The focus is on establishing guidelines, raising awareness, disseminating and […]

Iluminando Gerações Program

The Iluminando Gerações Program aims to provide communities in municipalities within Copel’s concession area with informational and preventive guidance on sustainability, conscious and safe use of electricity, rational use of natural resources and the correct disposal of waste. These guidelines reach communities through lectures and events and are considered by the Company to be a […]

More Than Energy Program

The Mais que Energia Program was designed by Copel Distribuição aiming to improve the quality of social assistance through support for projects aimed at specific audiences, through non-profit social and/or educational institutions, which address at least one of the following themes: education and social inclusion; security of environments to serve specific audiences;accessibility; health and quality […]