


More Than Energy Program

Program created to implement, expand and consolidate social investment projects for the community.

In an opinion poll conducted in 2011 with PCD customers (People with Disabilities) it was found that deaf people consider themselves little prestigious for social and corporate actions, since a large part of this contingent is fluent only in Libras and does not understand the Portuguese language. These data were used to support the structuring of the first project linked to the program, as an opportunity to support institutions and schools that serve this public in order to expand/adjust the structure to improve the training processes, training and development of full communication of deaf people and deaf-blind people through the approach of topics such as education and social inclusion, safety of environments for care, accessibility and health aiming to improve the quality of life of these people.

Resources for the first project.

From the line of Corporate Social Investment – ISE, from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development – BNDES [Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social].

Project Selection Process

To ensure transparency in the process, the selection of the institutions was made through the COPEL DIS Public Call No. 01/2015 [The document contains hyperlink]. Four institutions were selected and classified according to the criteria defined in item 8 of the Call for Proposals, namely:-

  • Colégio Estadual para Surdos Alcindo Fanaya Júnior [Alcindo Fanaya Júnior State School for the Deaf];
  • Associação de Educação Familiar e Social do Paraná [Paraná Association of Family and Social Education] – EPHETA;
  • Associação de Pais e Amigos de Surdos [Association of Parents and Friends of the Deaf] – APÁS; and-
  • Associação Batista de Ação Social de Curitiba [Curitiba Baptist Association for Social Action] – ABASC.

The projects were assisted in descending order of the score obtained, until the available resources were exhausted. Check out some of the results.

Colégio Estadual para Pessoas Surdas Alcindo Fanaya Júnior [Alcindo Fanaya Júnior State School for Deaf People].

The project presented by the Alcindo Fanaya Júnior School had the highest score in the qualitative analysis and received improvements in the facilities and external areas of the institution, in addition to the implementation of an adapted park. With the completion of the works and improvements, it is estimated that the public benefited by the improvements will increase from 450 people to 730 people.

Associação Batista de Ação Social de Curitiba [Curitiba Baptist Association for Social Action] – ABASC.

The project presented by the institution foresaw the acquisition of furniture and equipment in order to structure an activity room for the students of the “Projeto Eficientes” [Efficient Project], which also includes theater and dance activities, social integration, legal orientation, production of educational videos for the students’ use, social gatherings, and an informative newspaper for the deaf. ABASC also received study tables, chairs, Smart TV, digital cameras, and notebooks. 


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