More Than Energy Program

The Mais que Energia Program was designed by Copel Distribuição aiming to improve the quality of social assistance through support for projects aimed at specific audiences, through non-profit social and/or educational institutions, which address at least one of the following themes:

  • education and social inclusion;
  • security of environments to serve specific audiences;
  • health and quality of life; and
  • training and qualification of professionals to serve a specific audience.

1st Project linked to the Program: Deaf and deaf-blind people
Conclusion 2020

In an opinion survey carried out in 2011 with PCD (People with Disabilities) clients, it was found that deaf people consider themselves to have little prestige for social and business actions, since a large part of this contingent is only fluent in Libras and does not understand the Portuguese language.

These data were used to support the structuring of the first project linked to the program, as an opportunity to support institutions and schools that serve this audience with the aim of expanding/adapting the structure to improve the processes of training, training and development of full communication of deaf and deaf-blind people by addressing topics such as education and social inclusion, safety of environments for care, accessibility and health with a view to improving the quality of life of these people.

Resources for the first project

Coming from the Corporate Social Investments (ISE) line of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES).

Project Selection Process

To ensure transparency in the process, the selection of institutions took place through the Copel DIS Public Call No. 01/2015. Four institutions were selected and classified according to the criteria defined in item 8 of the Notice, namely:

State College for the Deaf Alcindo Fanaya Júnior;
Association of Family and Social Education of Paraná – EPHETA;
Association of Parents and Friends of the Deaf – APÁS; and
Baptist Association of Social Action of Curitiba – ABASC

The projects were attended to in descending order of the score obtained, until the available resources were exhausted.

Check out some of the results

State College for Deaf People Alcindo Fanaya Júnior

The project presented by Colégio Alcindo Fanaya Júnior had the highest score in the qualitative analysis and received improvements in the institution’s facilities and external areas, in addition to the implementation of an adapted park. With the completion of the works and improvements, the estimate is that the public benefiting from the improvements will increase from 450 people to 730 people.



Baptist Association for Social Action of Curitiba (ABASC)

The project presented by the institution included the acquisition of furniture and equipment in order to structure an activity room for the students of the “Efficient Project”, which also includes theatrical, dance, social integration activities, legal guidance, production of educational videos for student use, social gatherings and informative newspaper for the deaf. ABASC also received study tables, chairs, Smart TV, digital cameras and notebooks.

2nd Project linked to the Program: Professional qualification of women

In order to continue with the main objective of the Program, which is to contribute to improving the quality of social and/or educational care for specific audiences, the planning of the second project, aimed at women, began in 2023.


To carry out professional training courses for women, with the aim of reinserting them into the job market, contributing to their financial and psychological empowerment following the Corona virus pandemic.

Target audience

Social institutions that serve women heads of household in situations of vulnerability and/or social risk.


All municipalities in Copel’s concession area.

Project’s guiding themes

Professional qualification courses for women, with the aim of improving their skills so that they can return to the job market.

Form of service

By means of a public call for applications from non-profit social institutions that provide services to this specific public.

Methodology to be adopted for developing the courses:

  • Acquisition of teaching materials;
  • Acquisition of materials for professional qualification courses in various areas such as: hairdressing, make-up, manicure and pedicure, basic and intermediate IT, cutting, sewing and modeling, food utilization, elderly care, building painting, among others indicated by the institution;
  • Hiring qualified instructors and/or companies.

Source of Funds

For this second project, the funds will come from Copel Distribuição.

Project selection method

Through a specific Call for Proposals, expected to be launched in the first quarter of 2024.

Correlation with the SDGs

The actions of the More Than Energy Program are directly aligned with SDGs 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16 and 17


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