


Iluminando Gerações Program

The Iluminando Gerações Program aims to bring to the communities of the municipalities in Copel’s concession area informative and preventive guidelines on sustainability, the conscious and safe use of electricity, the rational use of natural resources and the correct disposal of waste.

These orientations reach the communities by means of children’s plays and lectures given by the employees themselves, and are considered by the Company to be a program of great relevance due to its contribution in making society aware of the issues. All the students who participate in the lectures or in the theater play receive a School Kit, comprising Energia Elétrica e Você Booklet (available in Educational Materials); personalized notebook and rulers; pencil; eraser and sharpener.

In 2022, 54,233 students were assisted by viewing the videos produced, lectures in schools, theater presentations and downloads of educational games.

In the last 15 years the Iluminando Gerações Program has passed the mark of 1.5 million participating students.

Specific objectives of the Program

– Develop socialization among children and teenagers;

– Educate the communities about the conscious and safe use of electric energy;

– Alert about the necessary care with electrical energy;

– Awaken in our employees the participation in volunteer actions;

– Disseminate information about safety and sustainability in all the cities served by Copel Distribuição;

– Contribute to the reduction of the number of accidents with electric energy in the communities;

– Stimulate the development of complementary educational activities that seek changes in the consumption habits of the school community;

– Encourage a change in the habits of the spectators/consumers in order to reduce energy consumption.


All the cities in the State of Paraná, under Copel Distribution’s concession


To delimit the instructors’ areas of activity, the cities to be attended are divided into regions (East, Center-South, Northwest, North and West), according to the coverage areas of the existing Internal Commissions for the Prevention of Accidents – CIPAS (Comissões Internas de Prevenção de Acidentes).

Structure of the Program

The program is subdivided into projects and actions according to the different segments, audiences, differences, needs and expectations.

The program’s actions are:

Lectures in Schools

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The lectures are held at Copel’s initiative and also at the request of schools and interested institutions, together with the program’s regional facilitators and/or representatives of the CIPAS in each region.

The lectures are aimed at 4th and 5th grade students from municipal public schools. To consolidate this knowledge, after the lectures, each participating student receives a kit containing:-

– Booklet “Programa Iluminando Gerações – Energia elétrica e você!”

– Notebook.

– Pencil.

– Eraser.

– Sharpener.

– Ruler.

– Envelope.

– Sticker.

The booklet “Energia Elétrica e Você”, which approaches, in a language inspired by comic strips, the care with electric energy, sustainability, and natural resources, besides bringing educational games to fix the contents presented, was revised in order to broaden the contents approached, contemplating mainly the risk situations that have been presenting the highest rate of accidents in the communities, sustainability, and energy efficiency.

For the revision of these contents, the interested parties were heard, especially the employees who work directly as multipliers of the contents with the schools and have knowledge of the needs and expectations signaled by the teaching staff of the schools and especially the users of the booklets. The areas of safety, environment, and energy efficiency also participated in the revision and complementation of the booklet’s contents.

Electrifying Stories Theater Group

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A theatrical play developed based on the theme Energy. In the show Electrifying Stories, the story’s common thread is an investigation that takes place in a fictitious city that is frozen in time. In a playful and interactive way, themes such as the prevention of accidents with electric energy, energy efficiency, and conscious consumption are approached, pointing out values and citizenship attitudes. A story with music, puppets, magic, and lots of fun.

The presentations of the Theater of Electrifying Stories happen according to demand and schedule availability of the group of actors/producers of the show, hired by Copel.

Energy Efficiency Van

Under the guidance of the company’s technicians, the Energy Efficiency Van has a sequence of interactive panels, electronic models, and lighting effects that simulate consumption and reveal the path taken by electric energy, from its generation in the power plants to its arrival at the end users.

The main objective of the work with the Energy Efficiency Van is to provide guidance on the importance of the conscious and safe use of energy and the preservation of the environment.

Educational Games

Communication is an important tool for organizational growth. When carried out in an efficient and transparent way, it promotes the understanding of purposes and cohesion among the members of the organization. With this in mind, besides giving publicity to its management actions and strategies through annual reports, Copel also uses several instruments to expand internal and external communication and work on awareness of sensitive themes. Some educational games are available in virtual format on Copel’s website, under Educational Games.

Educational videos

With classroom classes suspended due to the new coronavirus pandemic, the educational program Illuminando Gerações needed to reinvent itself to continue taking information to children about the safe and conscious use of electricity. The way found for this was the production of a series of videos, published on Copel’s YouTube channel and shared with schools all over Paraná.

The series is starred by the already known duo Jacuí and Maricota, who deliver the message with tons of humor. Copel’s educational playlist explains the path of energy, and also addresses the following topics:-

– Path of energy.

– Safe use of showers, outlets, power filters, and cell phones.

– Care when flying a kite.

– Importance of tethering the dog on reading day.

– What to do in case of shock.

– Efficient use of energy.

– Selective collection.

– Conscious consumption of water.

Volunteers of the program in all the regions of Paraná share this content with schools of the municipal networks, which offer 4th and 5th grades of elementary school I, the target audience of the Program. The series of videos from the educational program Iluminando Gerações is also being shown on open TV channels aimed at students from the state education network.

The program is a daily broadcast, on digital channel 7.2 (RIC TV), at 2:35 pm, during the class break, aimed at 6th grade students.

To watch the videos, access the playlist here.



In partnership with the Regional Education Centers in some regions, lives are promoted for students, teachers and the school community in general. In these lives the themes contained in the Program’s booklet are approached, focusing on guidelines on how to approach the contents, clarifying doubts, and raising the necessary improvements on the approach of each theme. It is a way to train the teachers about the contents and contribute to the dissemination of the contents to the students.


Learn about other Copel programs

Fauna Rescue and Rescue Program

Copel Distribuição carries out Fauna and Fauna Rescue Programs in the implementation of High Voltage Distribution Lines. These Programs are carried out when there is