Waste, Effluents, Emissions and Noises

According to the legislation, the Sustainability Policy and Environmental Policy, Copel promotes the management of waste, effluents, emissions and noise arising from the implementation of ventures, operations and administrative processes.

The data are monitored by the Company’s environmental areas and are annually disclosed through socio-environmental reports and Copel’s Integrated Report (Holding). The actions are coordinated by the Ecoefficiency Program and by the subsidiaries, which deploy this monitoring and condition environmental responsibility for the supply chain.





Waste Management

Copel has a waste management process that aims to promote the correct management of solid waste, from generation to final destination; prevent negative environmental impacts and maximize positive ones, meeting the legal requirements and environmental licensing constraints of the ventures.


In Copel’s business, effluents may come from production or administrative processes, and these are given the necessary treatments to ensure their compliance with all applicable control parameters, in compliance with legal requirements and environmental licensing of the assets, as well as the from the point of view of the Company’s environmental responsibility.

The generation projects have their effluents continuously monitored through the Management Plan of the Sanitary and Industrial Effluent Monitoring Subprogram, with periodic collections being carried out in accordance with the guidelines and procedures contained in the Collection Manuals of each project, and guided by the Standards Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater – 23rd edition 2017 and in compliance with the conditions of the Operating Licenses of the ventures and as defined in CONAMA Resolution No. 430/2011.

Domestic sanitary effluents and water used for activities carried out in maintenance workshops, such as washing parts and draining the floor of installations, are subjected to treatment in local biological and physical-chemical purification systems so that their discharges are directed to surface water bodies or sinkholes. In sanitary systems equipped with a sinkhole, there is no monitoring, as there is no discharge of effluents into surface water bodies. Sinks promote adequate infiltration of the treated effluent into the soil.

The effluents (sanitary sewage) generated in the Company’s administrative facilities are destined for the collection network of public sanitation concessionaires.

The monitoring carried out has indicated that Copel’s systems presented results in line with what is recommended in the applicable legislation.

Atmospheric Emissions

Copel, despite having its predominantly hydro and wind power generation source, has among its assets thermoelectric plants. These plants generate energy from steam from fuel burn. Combustion inevitably generates atmospheric emissions, such as particulate matter, oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, monoxide and carbon dioxide. To prevent these gases from generating negative environmental impacts, the plants rely on air pollution control technologies, such as bag filters, electrostatic precipitators, among others.

To assess the efficiency of this equipment in controlling emissions and ensuring legal compliance, Copel periodically monitors the emissions of thermoelectric plants (stationary sources), in addition to monitoring the air quality in the vicinity of the ventures, aiming at preserving the environment and the health of the population.

To learn more, access the Air Emissions and Air Quality Monitoring Program.

Natural Gas

As for natural gas transportation, read about gas leakage rates in recent years.


Copel monitors the environmental noise arising from the implementation and operation of its ventures, also breaking down the activities carried out in the Company’s administrative buildings and suppliers and service providers, in order to ensure compliance with the legal limits established by CONAMA Resolution No. 1 , of March 8, 1990, by ABNT Norms NBR-10.151 and NBR-10.152, as well as by specific state and municipal laws.

The measurements are carried out by specialized companies, using specific equipment and focusing on receivers that could be more affected by eventual noise from Copel’s facilities. The campaigns are carried out periodically, following the determinations of the environmental licenses, and the monitoring carried out contributes to avoid negative impacts on the communities in the areas covered by its projects.