ESG Programs
Copel, committed to advancing the management of environmental, social and governance practices, maintains several programs in favor of sustainable development.
The Company’s initiatives seek to guarantee the rational use of natural resources, the preservation of biodiversity, access to clean and renewable energy, innovation in processes, the reduction of the impacts of climate change, the guarantee of human dignity and the economic growth of communities. communities served by the Company.
The ESG Programs (environmental, social and governance) are planned and executed with the purpose of bringing the quality of Copel’s services, from the projects to the final consumer.

Environmental Programs
Copel’s environmental programs aim to meet the legal requirements, as well as the voluntary commitments assumed by the Company before national and international organizations, in the search for the economic growth of local communities, the well-being of society and sustainable development.
Learn about each of the programs developed by the Company and how these initiatives have collaborated to protect the environment, encourage responsible consumption of natural resources and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Social Programs
Guided by the concept of sustainability, Copel carries out programs that reflect its socially responsible conduct. Social interest is the main focus, and strategies are built in order to achieve benefits in various social areas, such as energy and social inclusion, health, income generation, equality, socio-environmental education, among others.
Corporate Governance
Copel’s Corporate Governance Programs aim to improve its Governance System, which goes beyond meeting legal requirements in order to generate shared value for stakeholders, being an orientation linked to the guidelines of the Board of Directors and the strategic objectives “To be a reference in business sustainability, environmental, governance, risk management and compliance”.

Education Programs for
Copel, committed to the Global Compact, has been working for the consolidation of sustainable development for many years. In 2017, it created the EducaODS Program, with the objective of disseminating the commitment to sustainability, through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), among internal and external audiences.

Copel provides financial support to projects, events and activities initiated by third parties, of a cultural, socio-environmental, sports, educational, technical-scientific, innovation or strategic nature, through disclosure counterparts that generate recognition of Copel’s performance, add value to its brand, increase sales and disseminate your name, promoting and expanding the relationship with stakeholders, in accordance with the Sponsorship Policy.