Trajectory EducaODS Program
Since 2010, Copel has held annual events related to Education and Sustainability. Centralized in Curitiba, the “Sustainability Seminars” were aimed at internal and external audiences, and the “Fair of Good Practices” involved several institutions. Over the years, the event gained greater proportions, involving guests from government institutions and civil society, promoting lectures, thematic rooms and exhibition of works by social and educational institutions.
In 2016, the event started to be held virtually, which led to a considerable reduction in expenses and carbon dioxide emissions by being held in several cities in the state, reaching a greater number of employees, preventing them from traveling to Curitiba. With the name “Sustainability Dialogues”, the discussion took place through participatory lectures in several cities.
That same year, Copel expressed adherence to the 2030 Agenda proposed by the UN, since the Sustainable Development Goals – ODS are aligned with the Company’s vision and values.
In 2017, the initiative evolved and became the EducaODS Program which, in line with commitments to reduce CO2 emissions, began to use technology to promote videoconferences with topics related to the SDGs, climate change, energy efficiency and eco-efficiency, impacts business, solid waste management, volunteering and human rights.
Lectures via videoconference were transmitted to Copel’s centers throughout the State of Paraná and were also accessible via the web, with an audience of own and outsourced employees, in addition to suppliers. Lectures on Solid Waste were also held at Copel’s Atuba Hub, as well as an Eco-efficiency Workshop in Ponta Grossa, with practical results from changes in procedures and attitudes within the Company.
In 2018, the EducaODS Program sought to sensitize the Company’s internal and external audiences to all issues related to the SDGs, contributing to raising awareness and changing values and behaviors in relation to environmental and social issues.
In 2019, the EducaODS Program organized an educational competition called the Copel Sustainability Challenge, with the objective of learning about the profile of the Company’s facilities in all regions, working on the SDGs and the 10 Senses (10 S – quality program), as well as propose a reflection on the relationship between employees and the decisions taken in the work environment from the point of view of sustainability.
In 2020, Copel joined the Ambition for the SDGs Program, a global initiative of the Global Compact aimed at accelerating commitments to the 2030 Agenda through public commitment to ambitious goals for achieving the SDGs. The Global Compact’s Brazil network promotes a series of advisory services and workshops to guide the group of companies involved. In Brazil, 23 companies were part of this select group.
In 2020, due to the pandemic, virtualization was an aspect of essential importance and continued in awareness sessions. The session “Webinar Copel: a conversation about Sustainability” and a lecture on the SDGs were held at Copel Geração e Transmissão’s Virtual Health, Safety and Environment Week.

EducaODS iniciatives 2021
Environmental Education Program for Operation Workers (PEAT): Sustainability and the SDGs at Copel
Throughout the year
June 30
July 16
December 10
Throughout the year
Related SDGs
7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 e 15
EducaODS iniciatives 2022
ESG, SDG and Sustainability – Webinar for suppliers
ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance
Sustainability Opportunities
ESG – Sustainability at Copel
Lecture “Sustainability”
Lecture “Demystifying Governance”
Lecture “Eco-efficiency – A conversation about Water”
October 05
April 12
May 06
June 13
May 19
October 5
December 01
Throughout the year
Related SDGs
EducaODS iniciatives 2023
Lecture “Sustainability Current Affairs”
Sustainabiliy Energy – segunda temporada
Publication of the Human Rights Due Diligence standard
June 16
Throughout the year
11 de julho
Throughout the year
Related SDGs
3, 8 and 16