


Recognitions in

Os reconhecimentos conquistados refletem o compromisso da Copel com a sustentabilidade.

Os principais prêmios e certificados conquistados pela Companhia estão disponíveis aqui e separados por dimensão.

Sesi ODS Seal

The Sesi ODS Seal is a recognition of good practices in favor of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the role as an articulator of sustainable growth in Paraná. The Sesi ODS Award was created in 2016 and is awarded by the system composed of the Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná (Fiep) and the Social Service of Industry (Sesi), FIEP/SESI System.

Since the creation of the Sesi ODS Seal, Copel and its subsidiaries have been covered by several initiatives that stood out in promoting the SDGs and contributing to achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations (UN). To learn more about the recognized initiatives, access Awards and Recognitions Received by Copel.

Value 1000

Copel won the Valor 1000 award for the best company in the Brazilian electricity sector in 2022. The announcement was made by Valor Econômico on 10/05/2011, during the 22nd edition of the newspaper’s yearbook, which brings exclusive evaluation and classification indicators of the main companies in the country.

The edition of the Valor 1000 yearbook highlighted the best companies in 26 sectors of the Brazilian economy. The selection of companies that stood out in the sector was made in two stages. The first consisted of the evaluation based on six accounting and financial criteria. The three companies with the highest scores in these six criteria were evaluated in relation to their ESG practices. The acronym defines policies for the Environmental, Social and Governance dimensions.

Merco Responsibility - ESG

In 2022, the Company rose from fifth to second place among companies in the electricity sector with the best ESG practices in favor of sustainable development.

The result of the survey by the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor (Merco) confirms Copel’s efforts to build a business model based on ESG pillars, with consequent generation of value for all interested parties.

Merco is based in Madrid and has released survey results annually since 2000.

Recognitions - Environmental Dimension

The awards and external recognition received by Copel ratify the transparency and commitment to the best environmental management practices, ensuring reliability and safety in the services provided to society, as well as attesting to the integrity and diligence towards shareholders, investors, regulatory bodies, local communities and society in general.

Recognitions - Social Dimension

The external recognition received by Copel ratifies the transparency and commitment to the best people management practices and social responsibility, ensuring reliability and security in the services provided to society, as well as attesting to the Company’s integrity and diligence before shareholders, investors, regulatory bodies , local communities and society in general.

Recognitions - Governance Dimension

The external recognition received by Copel ratifies its transparency and commitment to best governance practices, as well as attesting to the Company’s integrity and diligence towards shareholders, investors, regulatory bodies, local communities and society in general.