Social Tariff for Electric Energy

The Social Electricity Tariff is a benefit created by the Federal Government, which grants discounts on the electricity bill to low-income families throughout Brazil, as long as they are registered in the Federal Government’s Single Registry for Social Programs (in addition to meeting the other criteria ).

The legal provisions that deal with the subject are: Federal Law nº 10,438/2002, Federal Law nº 12,212/2010 and Aneel Resolution nº 1000/2021.

To find out more, visit the Copel Distribuição page.


Learn about other Copel programs

Ciliar Forests

A Copel possui mais de 14 mil hectares de Áreas de Preservação Permanente – APPs no entorno de seus reservatórios, que são geridas desde 2005

Urban Forests

The Urban Forests Program provides free quality seedlings and guidance on urban tree management. Implemented in 2007 and reformulated in 2015 by Copel’s environmental and