Noise Monitoring Program

The main objective of the Noise Monitoring Program is to register the regularity of the undertakings in relation to the legal requirements of the sound pressure levels and to identify situations in which the sound pressure levels (noise levels) generated by the operation of the undertakings exceed the legal admissible limits, ensuring that the Conditionalities of the Operation Licenses of Copel GeT’s Undertakings are met.

The main benefits of the Noise Monitoring Program refer to the acoustic comfort of the community and the control of possible negative impacts, resulting in the well-being of society.

The Program is based on the performance of noise monitoring campaigns according to the periodicity required in the environmental licensing, with the issuance of reports and reports on the results of the evaluations.

The main benefits of the Noise Monitoring Program refer to the community’s acoustic comfort and to the control of possible negative impacts, resulting in the well being of society.

The Program is based on the performance of noise monitoring campaigns according to the periodicity required in the environmental licensing, or when periodicity is not specified, in the period prior to the protocol of the license renewal application, and the issuance of a report on the results of measurements and assessments of compliance with legal requirements and standards.

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Figures 1 and 2: Daytime measurement of NPS in Wind Farms in RN.

Figures 3 and 4: Nocturnal NPS measurement in a Wind Farm in RN.


Figures 5 and 6: Measurement of environmental noise around Substation in Curitiba – CIC.

Figures 7 and 8: Measurement of environmental noise around the Substation in São José dos Pinhais.


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