Community Relations Program

The Community Relations Program aims to establish an effective communication channel between Copel and its customers and consumers so that they are aware of the energy projects to be built by the Company, the magnitude of their impact, and the benefits provided by their implementation.

In this process, it is essential that there is transparency regarding the actions implemented and also regarding the benefits, restrictions, and risks. Bringing the community in the areas surrounding the energy projects closer to Copel representatives facilitates negotiation and reduces conflicts arising from inaccurate information that raises expectations among the population.

In the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Program has objectives linked to SDGs 4 (Quality Education) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities), consisting of:

  • Providing the population with access to information on the socio-environmental impacts identified and respective mitigation and compensation measures, as well as the risks and restrictions regarding the use of the Areas of Influence of the projects;
  • Establish and maintain permanent communication channels between the entrepreneur and the communities affected by the projects.

The Community Relations Program is interrelated with the Iluminando Gerações Program by promoting educational activities with children in schools, focusing on the topic of safe coexistence with electrical grid equipment, alerting them to the risks and dangers, as well as presenting the benefits that energy represents for their lives.


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