Diversity Program

Copel has a Diversity Program destined to the internal public, Company’s own employees and external contractors, which targets at having a safe, healthy corporate culture, respectful of all people, also influencing the Company’s stakeholders. After all, upon becoming a catalyst of themes of that importance, Copel understands it has a positive impact that exceeds the corporate scope.

Therefore, on an annual basis, Copel (Holding) resources are destined and resources of subsidiaries are destined to implementing initiatives proposed by the Permanent Diversity Commission, reviewed at each new cycle.

Throughout its existence, the Commission has been contributing to the promotion of human rights, especially by aiming at more equal work relations.

Copel’s diversity commitments:-

  • Global Compact – ONU.
  • Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities MP/PR.
  • Pro-Gender and Race Equity Program – Federal Government.
  • Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) – UN.
  • ODS – We Can Paraná – ODS Brazil.
  • Social Inclusion Compact of Women and Men of African Descent in the Jobs Market – MPT/PR.

Learn about other Copel programs

Human Rights Program

Copel has maintained, since 2018, the Human Rights Program, aligned with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and founded on the following

Ciliar Forests

A Copel possui mais de 14 mil hectares de Áreas de Preservação Permanente – APPs no entorno de seus reservatórios, que são geridas desde 2005