Biodiversity and Energy Generation and Transmission

Periodically, Copel GeT carries out an assessment of its operational areas in relation to biodiversity.

In the most recent update, the locations of all the Company’s Hydroelectric Power Plants, Transmission Lines and 5 Wind Complexes were analyzed in relation to the list of all categories of Brazilian Conservation Units registered in the official databases, as well as the Priority Areas and for Biodiversity Conservation (APCBs) determined by the Ministry of Environment.

Thus, Copel GeT evaluated almost 220,000 ha in relation to their proximity to critical areas for the conservation of biodiversity throughout the national territory.

Salto Segredo Hydroelectric Power Plant

It is important to highlight that this analysis considers not only the areas built and effectively used by the operational units, but also their surroundings, according to the following assumptions:

  • Operational units located within protected areas;
  • Operational units located adjacent to protected areas: in this case, a buffer of 3 km is considered for all categories of conservation units; and
  • Operational units located outside protected areas, however, in areas of high value for biodiversity: for this analysis, the Priority Areas for Biodiversity Conservation (APCBs) defined by the Ministry of the Environment are considered.

The projects implemented by Copel GeT follow environmental licensing, and several programs were carried out with the objective of evaluating the impact on biodiversity and proposing actions to avoid, minimize, mitigate or compensate for negative impacts, and enhance positive impacts.

In addition, since 2018 Copel GeT has structured the management of several environmental subprograms in the form of Management Plans, specifically intended for projects in operation. These Plans are composed of the actions that must be carried out by the Company in order to guarantee the environmental quality of its operational areas and guide the management actions of the physical environment, fauna and flora present in all its units.

Considering the Subprogram Management Plans that Copel GeT has, as well as the structured environmental programs for monitoring fauna, mapping Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs), and the relationship between the units and the priority Ecosystem Services, the Company has consolidated actions in the most expressive part of their ventures and has already identified the improvement opportunities to be implemented in the coming years in order to cover all its units.

Enterprise type Number of projects considered Number of projects analyzed Type of area analyzed Total Assessment in relation to biodiversity in the last 5 years¹ Area in the vicinity or interior of areas relevant to biodiversity (ha)² Areas that have a management plan or environmental programs5
Transmission lines
Right-of-way Area (ha)
HPPs and SHPs
Area of plants (ha)3
Wind Complexes
Area of Wind Complexes (ha)4
Total in area

¹ All Copel GeT projects are subject to environmental licensing and are covered by specific and targeted analyzes in relation to local biodiversity. The numbers presented here refer to the periodic verification that the company additionally carries out, verifying the official databases in relation to Integral Protection Conservation Units (which are equivalent to categories I to IV of the IUCN protected areas) and Sustainable Use and Areas Priorities for Biodiversity Conservation (APCBs), for all your ventures, even those that have been in operation for decades.

² For the analysis of areas in the vicinity or interior of areas relevant to biodiversity, it is important to consider that in the analysis carried out, the areas where there was overlap of protected areas were not expunged, that is, the area of ​​the analyzed enterprise may reach Conservation Units (UCs ) of distinct categories that overlap with each other and between APCBs. For this reason, in the case of Transmission Lines, the total area in the vicinity or interior of areas relevant to biodiversity is greater than the total of Right-of-way Areas. In future revisions, it is intended to refine the analysis, eliminating overlapping areas and allowing identification by UC category.

³ The amount presented includes the reservoir area, properties acquired and permanent preservation area, and of this amount, more than 22,000 ha are maintained by Copel GeT and destined exclusively for the conservation of biodiversity.

4 The present analysis was carried out with a focus on 20 hydroelectric plants, a range of 60 transmission lines and 5 wind farms, according to a survey carried out in that year. The next review will include the refinement of information and will include all Copel GeT undertakings, expanding the database in relation to areas relevant to the conservation of biodiversity.

5 All areas affected by developments have regularized environmental licensing and some type of management, program or specific actions that contribute to environmental and biodiversity conservation. For this reason, in this column the total area of the projects was considered and not only the hectares referring to areas close to or located within areas of relevant interest for biodiversity.