Joint Selective Collection

Copel’s socio-environmental program that ensures the destination of recyclable administrative waste to associations and cooperatives of recyclable materials, as determined by environmental legislation on the subject of waste management. Aligned with public policies of social inclusion, environmental management, and strengthening of the solidarity economy, the program generates positive impacts to society by contributing to income […]

Cultivate Energy

The Cultivar Energia [Cultivate Energy] is a corporate social-environmental program, which has as its main objective the creation of community vegetable gardens in urban empty spaces underneath Copel’s power lines, in partnership with municipal governments, promoting the substitution of idle and underused areas for green and productive areas. Internally, it is consolidated as an auxiliary […]

EletriCidadania Program

Voluntary Action Program, developed since 2004, whereby all Copel employees have the possibility to use, on a voluntary and spontaneous basis, up to 8 hours of their professional work time, every two months, for carrying out social action or community interest activities. Volunteering at Copel comprehends themes such as human rights, education, inclusion, health, environment, […]

Boa Vizinhança DIS Program

Copel values the relationship with the communities where it operates. For this reason, it strives to build harmonious relationships, marked by mutual respect and cooperation. The company’s socio-environmental responsibility actions reflect this guideline by prioritizing investments that revert in benefits for the population. The Boa Vizinhança DIS Program is designed to listen stakeholders, strengthen the […]

Boa Vizinhança GET Program

Copel, through its subsidiary Copel Geração e Transmissão, idealized the Boa Vizinhança Program with the objective of creating specific communication campaigns for the communities that live close to the power generation and transmission projects. Periodically, communication pieces are created focused on guiding the communities about safe coexistence with Copel’s facilities and the prevention of accidents […]

Human Rights Program

Copel has maintained, since 2018, the Human Rights Program, aligned with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and founded on the following practices:- – analysis, development and refinement of Copel’s policies and regulations for prevention, inspection and mitigation of violations; – production and dissemination of didactic materials, with information about Copel’s denunciation […]

Diversity Program

Copel has a Diversity Program destined to the internal public, Company’s own employees and external contractors, which targets at having a safe, healthy corporate culture, respectful of all people, also influencing the Company’s stakeholders. After all, upon becoming a catalyst of themes of that importance, Copel understands it has a positive impact that exceeds the […]

EducaODS Program

EducaODS Program The EducaODS Program is an initiative of Copel that aims to consolidate the actions in favor of the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda and the Voluntary Commitments assumed by Copel, linking them to the Strategic Framework and the organizational values of the Company. The focus is on establishing guidelines, raising awareness, disseminating and […]

Iluminando Gerações Program

The Iluminando Gerações Program aims to bring to the communities of the municipalities in Copel’s concession area informative and preventive guidelines on sustainability, the conscious and safe use of electricity, the rational use of natural resources and the correct disposal of waste. These orientations reach the communities by means of children’s plays and lectures given […]

More Than Energy Program

Program created to implement, expand and consolidate social investment projects for the community. In an opinion poll conducted in 2011 with PCD customers (People with Disabilities) it was found that deaf people consider themselves little prestigious for social and corporate actions, since a large part of this contingent is fluent only in Libras and does […]