Noise Monitoring Program

The main objective of the Noise Monitoring Program is to register the regularity of the undertakings in relation to the legal requirements of the sound pressure levels and to identify situations in which the sound pressure levels (noise levels) generated by the operation of the undertakings exceed the legal admissible limits, ensuring that the Conditionalities […]

Information and Relationship Program with the GET Community

Copel promotes initiatives for the development of communities surrounding the generation, transmission and distribution of energy, with the objective of establishing contact, meeting demands and resolving doubts regarding the implementation or operation of its facilities. Still in the planning phase of the projects, a telephone number (0800) and electronic contact (e-mail) are disclosed to answer […]

Waste and PCB Management Program

Copel GET’s Environmental Management Program includes, among others, the Solid Waste Management Subprogram, developed in accordance with the National Solid Waste Policy and current legislation and regulations, based on prior requirements for establishing the planning and management of activities . The subprogram is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs, mainly 03 – […]

Forest Replacement and Compensation Program

The Forest Replacement and Compensation Program aims to compensate for the cutting of vegetation in the construction and implementation of distribution lines and energy substations. The suppression of vegetation, especially native trees and forest fragments, depends on prior authorization from the competent environmental agency and compliance with environmental conditions or compensation, provided for in the […]