Supplier Management at Copel Generation and Transmission

At Copel Geração e Transmissão (Copel GeT), Supplier Management plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable development, by improving production chain management and optimizing resources, contributing positively to the community.

In accordance with best management practices, Copel GeT’s Certification Program and Supplier Development Program are maintained, with initiatives that aim to recognize and support the sustainable development of partners, covering the dimensions of sustainability.

The Certification Program annually covers approximately 250 companies in 350 service provision contracts and has a careful methodology for evaluating performance and determining, classifying and disseminating results, whose information contributes to the definition of increasingly assertive strategies in the Certification Program. Copel GeT Supplier Development.

The synergy between evaluation, recognition and development actions demonstrates that, at Copel GeT, Supplier Management is guided by the search for excellence in commercial and contractual relationships with suppliers, enabling better results for both parties.


Copel Geração e Transmissão Supplier Certification

Aligned with the best Management practices and aiming to recognize the best suppliers, Copel GeT maintains an active Supplier Certification program, whose main objective is to promote the recognition of the companies that best serve the Company. This recognition is expressed with the issuance of certificates at Gold, Silver or Bronze levels, which attest to the supplier’s performance in executing its contracts, having maintained a good commercial relationship.

The program has a careful methodology for evaluating performance and determining, classifying and disseminating results. The information collected in this Certification Program contributes to the definition of increasingly assertive strategies in Copel GeT’s Supplier Development Program.

Copel GET Supplier Performance Index

Copel GeT evaluates its suppliers by checking the compliance aspects of the contracted object, which are quality, deadline, characteristics, delivery conditions, among others. Aspects of fiscal and labor regularity, occupational health and safety and the contractor’s socio-environmental responsibility are also checked.

Contracts are managed and evaluated by contract managers and inspectors and, according to policies of consequences distributed among the Company’s standards, may lead to the application of administrative sanctions for breaches of contract or the recognition of the best performances, through the Supplier Certification Program GeT.

Suppliers’ performance is evaluated in technical, operational and administrative aspects, the quality of management processes and engagement with business and socio-environmental sustainability.

The Supplier Performance Index (IDF) is the result of items evaluated by the contract manager (with the support of documentary and operational inspectors) also taking into account the administrative sanctions applied to the supplier during the evaluated period, if any.


IDF General 2023


IDF Services 2023


IDF Materials 2023



IDF General 2022


IDF Services 2022


IDF Materials 2022



IDF General 2021


IDF Services 2021


IDF Materials 2021



IDF General 2020


IDF Services 2020


IDF Materials 2020



IDF General 2019


IDF Services 2019


IDF Materials 2019


Copel Geração e Transmissão Certified Suppliers

The Supplier Certification program has a careful methodology for evaluating performance and determining, classifying and publishing results. The information collected in this Certification Program contributes to the definition of increasingly assertive strategies in the Copel GET Supplier Development Program.

Copel GeT Supplier Award

4th Edition 2022-2023

3rd Edition 2021-2022

2nd Edition 2020-2021

1st Edition 2019-2020

Copel GeT supplier satisfaction survey

The research aims to evaluate Copel GeT on matters related to the executed contract, such as the relationship maintained, the structure, availability of information, etc.

Sustainability survey of Copel GeT suppliers

The research aims to map suppliers’ sustainability actions, raising needs and expectations that can be addressed by Copel GeT to aid development in this topic.