Traditional Communities
Copel participates in meetings of the State Council of Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities of Paraná – CPICT, seeking to provide special assistance in accepting demands and providing clarifications to all participants.
Several licensing and intervening bodies participate in the meetings, such as the Water and Land Institute (IAT), National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples (FUNAI), Palmares Foundation, IBAMA, INCRA, DNIT and ICMBio, as well as representatives of traditional communities (quilombolas, riverside , faxinals, indigenous people and traditional artisanal fishermen).
Copel Geração e Transmissão contributes with actions aimed at traditional populations located in the areas surrounding projects, aiming at the socioeconomic sustainability and cultural appreciation of these communities. The actions are developed in two indigenous communities where the company has facilities: the Apucarana Indigenous Land, in the municipality of Tamarana, where the 10 MW Apucaraninha HPP is installed, and the Barão de Antonina Indigenous Land, in São Jerônimo da Serra, intercepted by the 230 kV Figueira – Apucarana Transmission Line.
The execution of the activities were made possible through the creation of specific Funds held by the respective communities with the aim of financing programs within indigenous lands, under shared management. In addition, the Company annually transfers the amounts of annual financial compensation to these communities due to the operation of the projects, with the resources being applied by the communities in environmental, cultural activities, among others defined by indigenous peoples.