Stakeholder Engagement - Social Dimension
The Sustainability Policy and the Corporate Governance Policy of Copel set the general guidelines for engaging stakeholders, pointing out the importance of dialog and transparency, promotion of Human Rights, respecting people, accessibility and inclusion, as well as of sustainable development.

Top Management
Beyond the legal and statutory responsibilities attributed to it, Top Management of Copel is involved in the definition and implementation of strategies and guidelines relative to social aspects, which meet public policy and economic growth with responsibility.
Employees and External Contractors
The Company’s own employees and external contractors are instructed to base their actions on the Code of Conduct and other internal policies and standards that set the guidelines for improving social reality.
The Internal Socioenvironmental Commissions (CISAs) have the purpose of encouraging employees to participate as multipliers of sustainability concepts, by developing actions oriented at socioenvironmental questions, through work of sensitizing both the internal and external publics. The actions of the Commissions are guided toward awareness and the Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS).
Customers, Communities and Society
For promoting engagement with customers, communities and society, Copel hosts the public in its facilities, through scheduling of visits to the plants, substations and the spaces maintained focused on educational actions, such as the Regional Museum of Iguaçu and the Energy Space.
Area also held campaigns for informing the population of care necessary for safe living with the electric grid, including the release of radio ads, distribution of informative material, press releases and event promotion.

Suppliers and Partners
The engagement of suppliers is made through training and workshops on social questions, through availability of Copel’s Supplier Guide and contractual socioenvironmental responsibility provisions. All business partners of the Company shall comply with social responsibility provisions set forth in contracts for provision of services and supply of goods.
The Supplier’s Guide is handed to every supplier by occasion of execution of each contract and addresses Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS), reinforcing what is set forth in contractual socioenvironmental responsibility provisions, as which addresses Human Rights and the respect for diversity.
Shareholders and Investors
Environmental actions of Copel are in line with the Strategic Planning, risk management, decision-making, prospection of business and valuation of capital and intangible assets of the Company, engaging and transmitting confidence to shareholders and investors as to the continuity of the commitments assumed and the importance of the participation of the Group in corporate sustainability platforms of stock exchanges.
Following the transparency principle, the Company reports its performance through the Integrated Report and socioenvironmental reports.
Regulatory Agencies and Governments
Copel, in the capacity as a provider of essential services, participates in different actions relative to public social policy developed by governmental bodies for the purpose of improving the well-being of the population.
Services provided by the Company are subject to standards of inspecting and regulatory agencies overseeing the industry and this actions are debated by representatives of similar companies, promoting the adoption of measures that meet the needs of the company and which contribute to the application of best social practices.
To learn more, please visit the Copel Stakeholders webpage.