Health Care Actions

The health actions are coordinated on a continuous basis together with the occupational safety engineering professionals, and by analyzing the dangers and environmental risks that have been surveyed and registered in the electronic management system, the obligation and frequency of medical evaluations, complementary exams, and medical-administrative conducts are established, seeking to prevent, to prevent, track, and diagnose early changes in health status, mainly resulting from the nature of the work, as well as to determine the conditions of physical and mental fitness of the employee for the safe exercise of his or her functions, both for themselves and in relation to colleagues, third parties, and the community, in addition to situations that may have future repercussions on their labor capacity and quality of life.

Copel’s Health and Quality of Life Program aims to promote the comprehensive health of its employees, reinforcing care for the health of the body and mind, in addition to aspects of financial and social well-being. Currently, the program is structured around 4 pillars: physical health, psycho-emotional health, social well-being and financial well-being.

Physical Health

Periodic Exam – 2nd stage

With the objective of preventing, tracking, and diagnosing early alterations in the physical health status, the 2nd stage of the periodic exam contemplates the sending of guides for exams and consultations to the employees, according to age group and sex, at no cost to the employee.

The second stage of the periodic includes the following programs: gynecological, in order to prevent breast and cervix cancer; prostatic; colorectal; ophthalmologic and cardiologic.

Primary Health Care

The Primary Health Care units in partnership with Copel Foundation are important strategies in the prevention and promotion of health of employees and their families. These units, which are present in the company’s headquarters in Curitiba and in the cities of Londrina, Maringá, and virtually in Irati, provide consultations with a family doctor, dental consultations, nursing care, minor procedures, dressings and injections, laboratory tests and gynecological preventive tests, and several lines of care such as diabetes care, child care, and monitoring of pregnant women, among other services at no co-payment cost for the beneficiaries of the health plan.

Professional Rehabilitation and Readaptation Program

The Program focuses on preventing the worsening of illnesses, as well as promoting the inclusion and appreciation of the employee’s ability to perform other activities in the company.

The temporary medical restriction aims to identify and monitor employees with reduced work capacity, monitoring the progress of treatment and acting in a preventive manner against the worsening of the disease.

In cases where employees who acquire permanent physical or mental limitations and can no longer perform their original functions and activities, but have the ability to work in other activities in the company, they are referred to the Professional Rehabilitation process.

The program works in line with treatment periods and social security assessments to find a new role that is better suited to the employee’s limitations. In rehabilitation, the Copelian is accompanied by the manager and a specialized team, made up of a doctor, social worker and occupational safety technician, for up to 3 months after the employee’s request.

In addition, Copel maintains the average of the additional payments from the last 12 months for a period of 12 months after rehabilitation, in order to guarantee the economic and financial balance of the employee undergoing rehabilitation.

Flu Vaccination

Every year, Copel promotes the immunization of all employees who wish to be immunized against the influenza virus at no cost. The campaign takes place before the onset of winter, which is the period when the flu spreads more easily. The application takes place in a decentralized manner at several company addresses, as follows: in company, at partner clinics, or through reimbursement.

Participation in the program in recent years was:






Participation (%)





Health Plan

Copel, through Fundação Copel, makes available to all employees, at the time of their hiring, the possibility of joining the Health Plan, through coparticipation.

For those who join the benefit, Copel pays part of the monthly health plan fee, 80% and 50%, depending on the plan, with Fundação Copel.

A major differential of the plan is its coverage with medical, hospital, dental, and pharmaceutical services.

Hearing Conservation Program

The Hearing Conservation Program (HCP) aims to protect the hearing health of the worker, improving the quality of life and the work environment.

It comprises a set of technical and administrative measures that aim to keep the attention and care of employees who may be exposed to high sound pressure levels – environmental noise risk – and thus prevent the onset or worsening of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).

Monitoring absenteeism and critical ICDs

The monitoring of absenteeism and critical ICDs* is carried out by the occupational health department with the purpose of identifying early diseases and absences that can trigger occupational diseases or that can affect safety at work, as well as to know and monitor the profile of employees’ illness, enabling early action in necessary cases.

*International Classification of Diseases and Health Problems

Management of Employees on Leave

Aiming at the evaluation and standardization of conduct in cases of medical leaves without INSS benefits (social security limbo) and/or without documentation referring to the leave, a commission was created composed of the occupational health and people management teams in order to optimize and standardize the processes, provide support and quality guidance to the employee on leave, control pending documents, and conduct medical examinations in the necessary cases.

Actions to prevent and control chronic diseases

In partnership with Fundação Copel, operator of the health and pension plan, Copel implemented virtual support groups for employees with diabetes and pre-diabetes, aiming to promote the exchange of experiences and provide knowledge for better control of the disease in addition to the Cuidar program of the Foundation that provides laboratory tests to control the disease, inspection of diabetic feet and eye examinations. Furthermore, through Fundação Copel, the Slim Pass program offers treatment for obesity with a multidisciplinary approach.

Weight Management Program for Electricians

Aiming to promote health and safety at work, the program monitors and monitors the mass and Body Mass Index (BMI) of electricians, identifying changes in periodic exams or other services. Employees with changes undergo follow-up with specialists and the occupational doctor for 6 months. Cases in which weight reduction does not occur satisfactorily are referred for rehabilitation/functional readjustment, being restricted to activities at heights.

Psycho-emotional Health

PlenaMente Program

A person’s mental health is related to the way they react to the demands of everyday life and the way they harmonize their desires, abilities, ideas and emotions. Enjoying mental health is knowing how to deal with different emotions (good or bad), managing stress and emotions, being at ease with yourself and others, and knowing how to recognize your limits – including seeking specialized help when necessary.

With this premise the PlenaMente Program was instituted, which aims to promote the emotional and mental health of employees, encouraging (self) knowledge, stimulating healthy lifestyles, and promoting harmony and integration of personal and professional life.

The PlenaMente Program is based on three pillars of action:

1. Psychoeducation – actions that broaden the knowledge about what psychoemotional health is, how to deal with and manage emotions and stress, encouraging self-knowledge and self-care. In addition, they favor the deconstruction of fears and myths that involve the theme. Among the actions promoted, the following stand out

a. periodic promotion of lectures and workshops with specialists for employees, managers and contractors;

b. making available a learning track on psycho-emotional health; and

c. holding courses for managers on the management of psycho-emotional factors in the workplace.

2. Specialized support – involves specialized support from professionals who work in the prevention and promotion of mental health, as well as treatment of related complaints. It encompasses the support actions:

a. online psychological support – in partnership with Fundação Copel, an online, free channel for psychological assistance is provided, available seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m;

b. specialized support in chemical dependency – treatment and support from a technical team specialized in the recovery of employees with chemical dependency; and

c. health plan, which includes psychiatric and psychological consultations and treatments with coparticipation for the employee.

3. Management of psychosocial factors – aims at identifying, evaluating and monitoring factors that impact the work environment and the employees’ quality of life and well-being, in order to subsidize actions and interventions, when necessary, through:

a. monitoring of mental health absenteeism;

b. monitoring critical ICDs;

c. monitoring mental health related complaints in the periodic exam; and

d. organizational climate survey.

Program for Prevention and Recovery from Drug Addiction

Copel’s Program for Prevention and Recovery of Chemical Dependencies, for over 30 years, has aimed to promote the prevention and treatment of chemical dependencies in the physical, emotional and social aspects, since, in addition to the damage to the user’s body, these substances generate social and economic impacts that directly interfere with the quality of life of family members, work and the entire society. The Program’s main objectives are

To promote preventive actions of care, guidance and combat the use of chemical substances, aiming to improve the employee’s health, well-being and productivity conditions, creating a safer and healthier environment;
Promote therapeutic assistance to employees with some type of dependency such as psychoactive drugs, alcohol, illicit drugs, and licit drugs for medication purposes, whose use is not being prescribed by a doctor, with the objective of recovering the employee, as well as reducing the risks of work accidents and absenteeism rates;
To create a safe, confidential and welcoming environment for employees who present some kind of addiction, in order to accept help and support to overcome the problem;
Promote the emotional health of the employees, as a way to prevent chemical dependencies, understanding it as a mental disorder;
Support the employee who has a dependent family member, understanding that this situation causes him/her an emotional illness and damages his/her professional performance and other areas of his/her life.

Considering the last 5 years (2019 to 2023), the effectiveness of the program reached 72% of treatments with positive results.

Encouraging physical activity and sports

Physical activity encompasses all the movements of everyday life. This includes during leisure time, transportation to and from places. Adding moderate and vigorous intensity helps prevent diseases, aids in the treatment of health problems, and contributes to increased quality of life and well-being with many benefits for the health of body and mind.

Understanding the benefits of active life in preventing and treating physical and mental health problems, Copel encourages physical activity through several initiatives:

Espaço +Energia

Exclusive room for physical exercises opened at the company’s headquarters and offering various types of activities in partnership with associations at times that facilitate and optimize employees’ time. These actions, combined with educational practices, are strategies to promote healthy habits and prevent diseases, contributing to the overall health of workers.

Espaço Energia e Saúde:

The company’s headquarters (place with the largest number of employees) and other centers far from central regions of cities, have walking trails and outdoor gyms, as a way of encouraging the practice of sports and the adoption of healthy habits, combined with convenience of having this type of space in the workplace.

Atuba Rustic Race:

Aimed at providing good times and encouraging healthy habits among employees, the race has been held since 2002. In 2022, 91.20% of those registered took part in the race and, in 2023, participation was 85.34%.

Copel Foundation Walks:

Circuit of walks, in the main cities of Paraná, to encourage a more active and healthy life.

Commercial partnerships with discounts at gyms:

Copel conducts commercial partnerships with companies to grant exclusive discounts for employees and their families.

Clubs and associations of Copel employees

Social Welfare

As a way to provide the integration of accident prevention and health promotion, Copel maintains several programs aimed at the employees’ social well-being. Among the Company’s main social welfare programs, the following stand out: Family Day Program, Home Office Program, Combating Domestic Violence, Bem Gestar Program, Assistance Program for People with Disabilities and Pre-Retirement and Post-Employment Program.

Financial Welfare

At Copel, people’s health and safety is a fundamental factor for success and organizational longevity and, for this reason, it is considered by the top leadership as a Company strategy, having as its main performance goal the goal of taking care of people’s health, safety and quality of life, which includes the employees’ financial well-being.