Table of Employees
Copel works to promote a diverse work environment, with equity, freedom of association and respect for human rights. The topic is monitored by the Permanent Commission for the Promotion of Diversity, which works to define actions to promote diversity of gender, race and color, age, religion and sexual orientation, as well as the inclusion of people with disabilities, migrants and refugees.
The company has a committed and highly qualified workforce who contribute to the Company’s sustainable growth through ethics, respect for people, dedication, transparency, health and safety and responsibility.
Details about Copel’s professional staff can be found in the annual reports of the Table of Employees.

The table of employee reports consider December 31st as the cut-off date and present the numbers of female participation in senior leadership broken down into top management, executive directors and directors.

Talent Attraction and Retention
In 2023, Copel underwent a transformation process, becoming a corporation and no longer having to hire employees through a public competition, enabling greater opportunities to take advantage of the potential and career growth of its employees.
This scenario motivated the implementation, in the first half of 2024, of Copel’s Internal Mobility Program, whose main guideline is to fill vacancies through internal selection processes, widely disseminated to the Company’s employees.

Another way to retain talent is to maintain a Career and Remuneration Structure (ECR), which groups positions and functions, and seeks to achieve internal and external balance through periodic salary surveys carried out in the market.
The company also has, as a way of valuing productivity and achieving goals, the Performance Award Program (PPD), which consists of the Company’s variable remuneration program.
Also thinking about career development, Copel offers several tools to encourage self-development and also recently launched a succession development program for those employees who are considered potential successors for leadership and/or critical positions.
The benefits granted by the Company to all its employees are considered differentiated and go beyond those provided for by legislation, contemplated in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Furthermore, Copel encourages quality of life with initiatives such as Time Bank, Flexible Schedule, Hybrid Work Regime, Health and Quality of Life Programs, among others.

Upon being hired, the new employee learns all the details of the company through conversations with representatives from the HR areas, in addition to receiving information about attendance, payroll, job security, benefits, career structure, internal communication channels, institutional videos and Copel’s Strategic Reference.
Copel holds an integration seminar for the members of the Board of Directors, the Fiscal Council and the Company’s Nominating and Evaluation, Investment and Innovation, Sustainable Development, Ethics and Statutory Audit Committees.
The integration seminar presents information about the company, current projects and future challenges, and takes the members of the Board of Directors on a visit to the Copel Generation and Transmission Operation Center.
Organizational Climate
The organizational climate can be defined as the collective perception that employees have of the company and its work environment, through the experience of policies, structure, systems, processes, values, relationship with staff and leadership, among others. In addition, it is an important indicator for people management and represents a parameter to define levels of engagement and satisfaction of employees.
In this sense, Copel monitors the levels of engagement and satisfaction in the company, conducting the climate survey promoted by the Great Place to Work Institute (GPTW). To learn more about the GPTW Institute, access here.
The climate survey’s main objective is to identify the level of employee satisfaction, but it also enables the analysis of other indicators, such as engagement, well-being, and the net promoter score.
The application is done annually by GPTW and covers 100% of the employees, that is, all are invited to participate and share their perceptions on job satisfaction, purpose, happiness, stress, relationship with managers and with colleagues, as well as corporate and people management practices.
The results are presented to the areas, and this material is used as input for the preparation of work plans with relevant actions, which permeate all levels of the organization, aiming to improve the organizational climate. The survey information can be stratified by gender, age, race, length of service, career levels, among others.
Regarding indicators and goals for employee engagement and satisfaction, Copel has formal indicators and the goals set take into account the results from previous years and the actions defined in the work plans, always in search of better results. Some of the engagement indicators involve the overall score obtained, besides the GPTW certification, as shown below:
Year | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Goal | 70,00 | 72,4 | 72,40 |
Result | 70,00 | 65,0 | 55,00 |
Participation – respondents (%) | 80,00 | 73,00 | 60,00 |