


Project Management and Environmental Monitoring Program

The Project’s Environmental Management and Monitoring Program is the integrating program that aims to manage and monitor all factors and activities that interfere with the environment during the construction of Copel’s projects, including the implementation of environmental programs. The Program verifies the fulfillment of the environmental performance requirements of the works (environmental conditions and programs) and identifies possible non-conformities so that preventive action can be taken, thus reducing the risks of issuing the Operation License (LO).

The program is documented through reports and has the following objectives: –

  • Ensure compliance with applicable legal requirements and the conditions of environmental licenses; –
  • Define environmental compliance responsibilities for all parties involved and assign tasks to site personnel; –
  • Document communication and environmental monitoring; –
  • Ensure the execution of other environmental programs during the implementation of the project; –
  • Ensure the implementation of mitigation and environmental control measures are adopted.

Learn about other Copel programs

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Noise Monitoring Program

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Water Quality Monitoring

Copel periodically monitors the quality of the water in its reservoirs, assessing the limnological conditions in the area of ​​influence of the hydroelectric generation projects,