Casa Fácil Paraná State Housing Program

The Casa Fácil Paraná State Housing Program, which replaced the Morar Bem Paraná Program, was established by Law 20,394 of December 4, 2020, regulated by Decree 7,666 of May 13, 2021.

The Program enables actions in the housing area, developed by the Government of the State of Paraná, with the objective of promoting the production and acquisition of new housing units, requalification, expansion or renovation of urban and rural properties, land regularization and urbanization, for families with monthly income of up to ten national minimum wages, with priority given to the public with a monthly income of up to three national minimum wages.

Copel Distribuição S.A. and Companhia de Habitação do Paraná (Cohapar) signed an agreement in 2021 to carry out works on the electricity distribution network and implement “service entrances” in housing units, through reimbursement by the State of Paraná, for families with monthly income of up to 06 (six) minimum wages (arts. 8, item III and 9 of Decree 7.666/2021).

GRI 203-1, 413-1


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