


Civil Construction Solid Waste Management Program – PGRCC

Program that aims to establish the management of solid waste generated during the construction of a project, with the objective of characterizing the waste generated and defining measures for segregation, packaging, transportation, storage and final disposal in an environmentally appropriate manner.

When implementing energy distribution lines and substations, the PGRCC is prepared and implemented by the contractors hired to carry out the works.

Aiming to ensure adequate management of waste generated in works, Copel carries out the analysis and review of PGRCCs and monitors their execution, through the Work’s Environmental Management Program.

As a way of developing contractors in waste management, Copel created the Manual for preparing the PGRCC, made available to suppliers before works began.


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Ciliar Forests

A Copel possui mais de 14 mil hectares de Áreas de Preservação Permanente – APPs no entorno de seus reservatórios, que são geridas desde 2005