Boa Vizinhança DIS Program

Copel values the relationship with the communities where it operates. For this reason, it strives to build harmonious relationships, marked by mutual respect and cooperation. The company’s socio-environmental responsibility actions reflect this guideline by prioritizing investments that revert in benefits for the population.

The Boa Vizinhança DIS Program is designed to listen stakeholders, strengthen the relationship of the Company with the surrounding communities, promote social welfare, structure actions aligned with the legislation and its strategic referential, contributing to sustainable local development.


Specific objectives of the Program

– Encourage Social Institutions to participate in the Permanent Public Call for Volunteers of Copel DRI No. 01/2016;

– Align the needs and expectations of the community with the Company’s strategies;

– Encourage employees to participate in volunteer actions in the communities surrounding the Company, through the Eletricidadania Program;

– Develop actions aimed at improving the quality of life in the surrounding communities;

– Disseminate knowledge about education, safety and sustainable development.

– Contribute to the economic and social development of the communities; and

– Comply with the Sustainability Platforms, referring to the relationship with the surrounding communities.


Target Audience

Institutions located in the communities surrounding Copel’s facilities that provide public educational and/or social services to the population.


Methodology adopted for the development of the program

– Mapping of the area and identification of institutions with service potential.

– Prioritization of institutions to be analyzed.

– Survey of the needs and expectations of the communities involved;

– Contacts;

– Information Registration.

– Identification of the potentialities and skills of the institutions, communities and other stakeholders involved;

– Potentialities of the communities;

– Volunteers’ abilities.

– Action planning together with the prioritized institutions.

– Mobilization of volunteers and communities.

– Execution of actions.

– Results monitoring.

– Evaluation of results;

– Research with the institutions;

– Volunteer survey;

– Survey with the participating community;

– Forum with local leaders.


Expected Results

The Boa Vizinhança Program has great potential to add value to the company’s image, considering that:

– It strengthens the relationship with the communities surrounding Copel Distribuição’s administrative buildings;

– It enhances the actions of Copel DIS in the communities;

– It contributes to the sustainable local development of the communities;

– Expands the registration of social institutions in the permanent public call notice DRI no. 01/2016;

– Aligns community interventions with the company’s business strategies;

– Encourages employees to participate in volunteer actions. 



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