Supplier Management at Copel Distribuição

For Copel Distribuição, suppliers are strategic partners, for they are suppliers of inputs (materials, equipment and services) that are indispensable for the Company’s business.

Copel Distribuição uses as main criteria in contracting suppliers, compliance with the labor legislation, respect for human rights, fiscal integrity and environmental responsibility. The criteria are defined in the bidding notices, contractual clauses, supplier registration manuals, code of conduct, in addition to the technical standards and manuals permanently available to interested parties on the organization’s website.

Besides fostering the relationship, the development and, mainly, the improvement of the supply chain, it is up to the area of supplier management at Copel Distribuição

  • Control the documentation for the initiation of Copel Distribuição’s centralized acquisition/contracting processes;
  • To manage the price bank for basic list materials and equipment;
  • To manage the processes for the acquisition of basic list materials and equipment, except for exemption by value and service contracting and engineering works and services, except for exemption by value and real estate lease;
  • Managing the issue of contracts for acquisitions/contracting of the area, as well as supply minutes for the Price Registry System – SRP; and
  • To manage contracts of materials and equipment originated from the area’s acquisition processes.

Copel Distribuição also has a Supplier Management Permanent Commission, which participates in the preparation and execution of the supplier management strategy, with the following attributions and competences:

  • Contribute to the definition of policies, practices and procedures for supplier relationship and development, related to acquisition, safety and training requirements;
  • To define criteria for evaluation and acquisition related to risk;
  • To coordinate, within Copel Distribuição, the Supplier Award;
  • To propose and monitor actions to improve the supply chain management processes, using as indicators the evaluations in the sustainability platforms (Ethos and ISE) and MEG;
  • Coordinate changes to the Supplier Management Manual – MGF, with regards to the standardization of processes related to suppliers; and
  • To coordinate the subcommittees of the transversal actions related to suppliers in the scope of Copel DIS.

Certification of Suppliers of Copel Distribuição

Registration of Suppliers

Copel keeps a permanently open registration of suppliers, allowing the previous qualification of suppliers to participate in contracting processes. For a supplier to be qualified and receive the Certificate of Registration:

Legal qualification criteria and tax and labor regularity are verified;
The technical and economic-financial capabilities are evaluated; and
Commitments are signed for not using irregular child labor and/or analogous to slave labor, for non-discrimination, and for respect to the environment.
During the execution of the contracts, Copel operates as an inspector to ensure the payment of taxes and guarantee the labor rights of outsourced employees.

Industrial Evaluation

São realizadas vistorias das instalações de fabricantes de materiais e equipamentos críticos para a expansão, manutenção e operação da rede de distribuição de energia, onde são analisados e avaliados os aspectos referentes às capacitações tecnológica e fabril, recursos humanos, controle de qualidade, capacidade de produção, materiais aplicados, processo de fabricação e índice de terceirização, bem como os sistemas da qualidade e a responsabilidade socioambiental do fornecedor.


Copel DIS Supplier Performance Index

The Supplier Performance Index (IDF) of Copel Distribuição (Copel DIS) establishes the criteria for the Copel DIS Supplier Award, which aims mainly at recognizing the best performances, encouraging continuous improvement, seeking total alignment with Copel’s strategic objectives and celebrating good results.

The contracts are managed and evaluated by the contract managers and inspectors and, according to consequence policies distributed among the Company’s rules, may lead to the application of administrative sanctions for contractual non-compliance or to the recognition of the best performances, by means of the Copel Distribution Supplier Award.

The award is expected to bring mutual benefits in the relationship with suppliers, focusing on work safety, quality, punctuality, efficiency and sustainability, with effects on the final product delivered to Copel and to society.

IDF Criteria


Reflects the level of compliance of specifications in relation to what is established in the contract and integral documents, especially to Copel DIS standards, verified in the Company’s inspection.


Reflects the compliance with the deadlines established in the Authorization for Execution of Services – AES, in cases where the responsibility for the delay (counted in days) was attributed to the contractor, as indicated by Copel DIS’ supervision.


It corresponds to the fulfillment of the contractual specifications regarding the availability and conditions of the resources needed for the contract execution and the required documentation.

Work Safety

Reflects the fulfillment of the Company’s norms and standards, verified in the inspections foreseen in the contract, such as the Preserving Life Program (PPV).

Production of Service Units

Represents points awarded to contractors who have produced a greater volume of Service Units – US in the year under evaluation, translating as greater executive capacity made available to Copel DIS.

Sustainable Management

It represents the compliance of the contractor with the clauses related to social, fiscal, environmental, and economic-financial responsibilities, verified in the supervision of Copel DIS.

Supplier Registration

Indicates if the supplier maintained a valid registration with Copel, with a valid Registration Certificate (CRC) during at least half of the evaluated period.

Relationship Degree

Reflects the relative positions of the supplier, among the suppliers evaluated, regarding the number of contracts and the volume of the contracts per period.


IDF General 2021


IDF Services 2021


IDF Materials 2021


IDF Distribution Line Construction 2021


IDF Distribution Line Maintenance 2021


IDF Services NR 10 2021


IDF Meter Reading 2021


IDF Converters 2021


IDF Cables 2021


IDF Meters 2021



IDF Geral 2020


IDF Serviços 2020


IDF Materiais 2020


IDF Construção de Redes 2020


IDF Manutenção de Redes 2020


IDF Serviços NR 10 2020


IDF Leitura 2020


IDF Transformadores 2020


IDF Cabos 2020


IDF Medidores 2020



IDF Geral 2019
IDF Serviços 2019
IDF Materiais 2019
IDF Construção de Redes 2019
IDF Manutenção de Redes 2019
IDF Serviços NR 10 2019
IDF Leitura 2019
IDF Transformadores 2019
IDF Cabos 2019
IDF Medidores 2019

Certified Suppliers of Copel Distribuição

The “Copel DIS Supplier Award” aims to recognize the best performances, encourage continuous improvement, seek total alignment with Copel’s strategic goals and celebrate the good results presented by suppliers.

With this, mutual benefits are expected in the relationship with suppliers, focusing on safety, quality, punctuality, efficiency, and sustainability, as reflected in the final product delivered to Copel and to society.

The first edition of the Supplier Award was held in 2017, awarding the suppliers and service providers that stood out in 2016 in the service categories: meter reading services, operational services and NR10, distribution network maintenance services up to 34.5kV and distribution network construction services up to 34.5kV.

In 2020, the Supplier Award began to recognize the best results in two new material supply categories: manufacturers of distribution transformers and manufacturers of electrical cables.

To continue advancing, Copel DIS seeks to learn more about sustainability practices among suppliers. To this end, in the 6th edition of the Award, eligible suppliers must respond to a sustainability assessment, which – even simplified – reflects criteria used in the main business management and sustainability assessment platforms that Copel submits in its annual reports.

In 2022 the Supplier Award started to recognize two new categories: concrete pole manufacturers and sustainability. In addition to the award, the suppliers ranked 1st in the Award will be invited to make up the board of suppliers of Copel Distribuição.

Supplier satisfaction survey Copel Distribuição

The Company carries out satisfaction surveys, on an ongoing basis by Copel’s supplier registration sector, at the time of the supplier’s qualification request, which fills out a specific document informing its satisfaction with regard to service, access to information, and about bids and contracts. The concepts range from “unsatisfied” to “very satisfied.

A more comprehensive survey is also developed, both in public and in the spectrum of topics, forwarded annually to Copel DIS suppliers to measure the degree of satisfaction in relation to the Company.

Supplier sustainability survey Copel Distribuição

The survey aims to map suppliers’ sustainability actions, identifying the stage of maturity of their management with regard to environmental and social responsibility, in addition to governance aspects, also raising needs and expectations that can be worked on by Copel DIS in aid of development in this theme.