
Copel incorporate climate changes in risk assessment and opportunity financial assessment, keeping its energy matrix, mainly originated from renewable sources and developing low carbon technologies and energy efficiency and conservation projects.


Climate change within Copel is managed in two aspects, including:

Operational and financial risk, due to asset operation modification requirement, revenue loss for equipment and installation replacement and by possible fee collection for greenhouse gas emission;

Opportunity, as it can trigger the search for power originated from alternative sources and with low carbon emission, including renewable power marketing in free market; distribution generation; and service offer, including electric service station and electrified rails.

Copel is aware of the market developments, and it includes business prospection, research and development activity opportunities. As part of climate change management, Copel monitors its emissions regularly; it follows government moves on carbon pricing; it assesses climate risks of new investments and it assesses business adaptation measures concerning climate change impacts.

Climate Change Policy

Climate Change policy was approved in 2016 by the Board of Directors. It was developed by Climate Change Managing Committee, which is comprised by agents from different Company areas, and the following was considered in its development: GHG Protocol milestones, Global Compact Principles, National Climate Change Policy, State Climate Change Policy and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Copel Policy sets forth guidelines for greenhouse gas emission decrease action planning and promotion, and for Copel business climate change consequence fighting.

Climate Change Corporate
Management Program

Climate Change Corporate Management Program (PGCMC) was set forth permanently in 2014, by Copel Management, with the purpose of discussing and resolving actions linked to climate change effect study, and also following actions incurring from Copel Climate Change Policy deployment and voluntary commitments assumed. It has a Managing Committee, comprised by all Copel Management agents, that aims at discussing the topic and set actions to be implemented in the Company.

Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement is among the main actions developed by Copel against climate changes and for its effect adaptation.

Considering the participation limits, each party is engaged in some level in one of the material topics for the Company.

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Besides legal and statutory responsibilities that are assigned, Copel Top Management is engaged in the topics on the actions against climate changes while discussing, comprising and approving the Company

Materiality Report.

Socio-Environmental Internal Commissions (CISAs) purpose is fostering employees to participate as sustainability concept multipliers, by means of developing actions aimed at socio-environmental questions, through an internal and external stakeholder awareness raising work, for natural resource conscious consumption and Company socio-environmental actions.

Through CISAs, lectures are held, along the year, approaching major global topics, including: Solid Waste Management and Conscious Consumption, Socio-Environmental Impacts of Copel Distribuição undertakings and Climate Changes. Commissions actions are aimed at sponsoring awareness raising and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 3; 5; 7; 10; 11; 12; 13 and 17.

In order to foster customer, community and overall society engagement in actions to fight climate change and natural resource conscious use, Copel sponsors, during its campaigns, actions including electric bike and scooter use, provided by the Company, in order to foster customers to try and use this alternate means of transportation, enabling carbon emission decrease.

It is worthing noting that Copel launched Brazil ́s first electrified rail (730 Km), linking the seashore to Paraná State Western Region, in order to foster electric car use. What is more, awareness raising campaigns on energy efficiency are advertised in radio stations, and videos on environment topics are advertised in digital platforms and TV stations, in order to provide information to all audiences.

Supplier engagement is performed by means of training and workshops on climate changes, by providing

Copel Supplier Manual and by socio-environmental liability contractual clauses.

The Supplier Manual is provided to the suppliers in every contractual execution, and it provides Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), restating what is found in socio-environmental liability contractual clauses, and it approaches Climate Changes topics, especially Greenhouse Gas Inventory, approaching the document development relevance.

Copel actions to fight climate changes are disclosed by means of the Integrated Report and they are aligned with Strategic Planning, risk management, decision making, business prospection and Company capital and intangible asset valuing, engaging and fostering trust to stakeholders and investors, as to the commitment engaged continuity and Group participation relevance in corporate sustainability platforms and indexes of stock markets.

Copel participates and assists action plans aimed at Climate Change, e.g., in Climate Change committees of Curitiba Municipality and Paraná State governments. This participation is aligned with the following commitment engaged by Copel:

‘Attending forums, discussion groups and alike related to climate change.’

The topics discussed in plan development include mitigation and adaptation actions that shall be taken in the next few years, in order to neutralize greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.


The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an international non-profit organization based in several countries, the United Kingdom, Japan, India, China, Germany, the United States and Brazil, whose purpose is to mobilize investors, companies and governments to build and implement sustainability actions and practices, with a focus on emissions that influence climate change.

Since 2010, Copel has voluntarily participated in the reporting and disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions and the company’s climate change strategies, in order to position itself among the world’s benchmark sustainability companies, attracting investment and reinforcing the positive impact of its image.

Copel follows the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) – an initiative that seeks to develop and implement recommendations for the disclosure and analysis of risks and opportunities related to climate issues – including the practices evaluated by the CDP.

In addition, the CDP is the basis for some of the assessments that Copel participates in, as well as helping to disclose (Integrated Reporting) actions in favor of issues related to climate change and the measures adopted by the company to continuously improve processes.

The scoring method is a way of assessing a company’s progress in environmental management. The application of the methodology results in a score that assesses the level of detail and comprehensiveness of the content, as well as the company’s awareness of the problems related to climate change, management methods and progress towards the actions adopted with reference to climate change.

In this sense, in line with best market practices and its commitment to sustainable development, Copel links its performance in the CDP to the targets of the Performance Reward (PPD).









