Management (Public Policy)
At Copel, public policies are operationalized through social programs, with the main purpose of expanding access to electric power, considering the socioeconomic characteristics of the population, as well as the specifics and the demands of urban and rural areas.
These programs meet legal determinations and are monitored by the company through data such as target public, amounts invested, number of beneficiaries, regions served, impacts and results met.
Copel Distribuição, given the characteristics of its business, keeps control of almost the entirety of the indicators of each of the programs, where the lowest volume remains under control of other subsidiaries of the group.
Copel Holding, also given the nature of its activities, monitors the theme of public policy in the scope of Corporate Sustainability, keeping a dialog with management teams of wholly-owned subsidiaries for monitoring and external reporting of data, meeting its commitment with transparency with its stakeholders.
Government Programs
Copel executes government programs of a social nature as an instrument for operationalizing public policy, whose main purpose is expanding access to electric power, considering the socioeconomic characteristics of the population, as well as the specifics and demands of both the urban and the rural areas.
These programs meet legal determinations and are monitored by the company through data such as target public, amounts invested, number of beneficiaries, regions served, impacts and results met.
Copel Distribuição, given the characteristics of its business, keeps control of almost the entirety of the indicators of each of the programs, where the lowest volume remains under control of other subsidiaries of the group. Copel Holding, also given the nature of its activities, monitors the theme of public policy in the scope of Corporate Sustainability, keeping a dialog with management teams of wholly-owned subsidiaries for monitoring and external reporting of data, meeting its commitment with transparency with its stakeholders.
Fraternal Light Program
A Program of the State Government of Paraná, established by law 17.639/2013, which pays electric bills of consumers enrolled with the Electric Bill Social Charge, with consumption equal or below 120 kWh. Represents a positive financial impact to the low-income public classified under the program due to exemption in payment of expenses with electric power.
Living Well Paraná Housing Program
Program implemented in 2011 by the State Government of Paraná, through Decree 2.845/2011, for the purpose of providing an incentive for the building and acquisition of new housing units, re-qualification, expansion or renovation of urban and rural properties, land regularization and urbanization for families with monthly income up to six monthly minimum wages (national level), as well as development of the Social Interest State Housing System.
In this partnership, managed by the Paraná State Housing Company (Cohapar), is incumbent on Copel building electric power distribution networks and implementation of Service Entries of housing units, reimbursed by the State of Paraná.
Target Public
Low-income families.
Conditions or requirements for participating/being eligible for the Program
Families with monthly income up to six monthly minimum wages interested in acquiring new housing units, re-qualification, expansion or renovation of urban and rural properties, land regularization and urbanization.
Electric Power Social Charge
A Program that offers discounts in the electric power charge up to the limit of 220 kWh, to families enrolled with the Sole Registry of Social Programs of the Federal Government, so long as the other criteria set forth by Aneel Resolution 414/2010 are met, resulting in savings in the bill to the power consumer.
For learning more, go to Copel DIS website.
Night Irrigation Charge
A Program through which the Federal Government, in a partnership with Copel offers 60% to 70% discounts on the electric bill for irrigation and water farming activities in the time reserved between 09:30 PM to 06:00 AM, so long as the criteria set forth in Aneel Resolution 414/2010 are met, encouraging increase in agricultural activity.
Nocturnal Rural Charge
Program implemented by State Law 19.812/2019 which addresses the incentive to agricultural productivity through a 60% discount in the electric power charge used for production in the period between 09:30 PM and 06:00 AM for consumer units in rural areas, meeting the requirements set forth by legislation.
Development and Citizenship Integrated Actions
The Development and Citizenship Integrated Actions was constituted by the State Government for the purpose of planning and executing public policy and integrated actions in a partnership with several agencies and entities on a municipal, state and federal levels, and with civil society seeking to contribute to social inclusion and socioeconomic development of the communities.
Coordinated by the State Department of Justice, Citizenship and Human Rights, the program promotes several actions, among which service fairs, where will be issued identity cards and Employment and Social Security cards, applications for unemployment insurance, applying for jobs, registration for social charge of water and electricity, as well as legal counsel.
Copel participates in service fairs, taking commercial service, speeches and instructions on the safe and efficient use of electric power to participants.
Copel also operates in a partnership with other stakeholders in the formulation of collective agendas for promoting dialog on current themes and for designing plans of action. An example is participation in Councils such as the Corporate Citizenship Council of Paraná State (CPCE), where Copel participates in carrying out social, cultural, environmental and volunteering actions in an articulated manner with other companies and civil society, thus contributing to public policy and sustainable development of the State of Paraná.