Educational Materials
With the purpose of making the general public aware of issues related to corporate sustainability, Copel makes available, widely and free of charge, materials such as booklets, folders, games and posters, in addition to the Code of Conduct, the Moral Harassment Booklet, the Booklet on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and the Human Rights Booklet.
Copel’s booklets are institutional and educational support materials that aim to inform, guide, raise awareness and support the dissemination of topics that are part of Sustainability in its value chain.
They are aimed at internal and external audiences – both children and adults – such as: suppliers, shareholders and investors, consumers and customers, community, government, organized civil society and other interested parties.
Get to know each one of them and download the PDF version.
In addition to publicizing its management actions and strategies through annual reports, Copel also uses several instruments to expand internal and external communication, and to raise awareness regarding sensitive topics.
Get to know some of the folders prepared by Copel to promote issues related to biodiversity and sustainability and download the PDF version.
Educational Games
Copel makes educational games available with the aim of raising people’s awareness of issues such as safety and sustainability, as it believes that society’s engagement is fundamental for the dissemination of the culture of individual and collective responsibility for sustainable development.
Get to know some of the educational games developed by Copel to promote these themes and have fun, learning!
In addition to publicizing its management actions and strategies through annual reports, Copel also uses several instruments to expand internal and external communication, and to raise awareness regarding sensitive topics.
Get to know some of the posters prepared by Copel to promote issues related to biodiversity and sustainability and download the PDF version.
The materials are available for use by any institution and can be posted in places of common use and great circulation of people in order to disseminate the conscious use of natural resources and the correct destination of waste.