Materiality Report

Copel’s Materiality Reports are prepared based on several available methodologies, as well as on studies on the recurrence of the material themes reported by the most relevant companies in the sector, both in the domestic and foreign markets.

The material issues for Copel, relevant to the activity and the stakeholders, are used as a basis for performance reporting at each cycle and also as support for the Strategic Planning process, and are therefore fundamental for the Company’s business.

It is worth mentioning that Copel periodically reviews the materiality matrix in order to identify the most relevant themes for the Company and its subsidiaries, according to the context of the electricity sector, global trends, the economic and social scenario.

To learn more about the process, see Copel’s Materiality Report. The document presents details of the materiality and dual materiality process; a more comprehensive description of the material topics; the related GRI indicators; the main risks and opportunities of each topic for Copel; as well as the Sustainable Development Goals directly linked to the topics.