Integrated Reporting

Copel’s Integrated Report is an annual publication that presents financial information, the Company’s business and the performance of human, intellectual, social and relationship, natural, infrastructure and financial capital, with a detailed approach to the relevant topics and their respective capacity to generate value.

The document follows, besides the legislation in force, the best reporting practices adopted by the market, based on the main national and international premises, in accordance with the disclosure standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), as well as the international accounting standards of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), considered in the information from the Financial Statements.

Another feature is the Communication on Progress in relation to the commitments made with the Global Compact, an initiative of the United Nations (UN), which establishes guidelines for the promotion of sustainable growth and citizenship, inviting companies to align their strategies and operations with its universal principles in favor of sustainable development.

Furthermore, the report highlights the actions promoted by Copel’s corporate education area (UniCopel) in relation to the Principles for Responsible Executive Education (PRME), a UN global platform for voluntary engagement.

Finally, it is emphasized that the document is constantly evolving and adapting to the needs of stakeholders, with emphasis on the disclosure of the actions undertaken by Copel to help achieve the priority Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Brazilian electricity sector, being assured by an independent external audit.

Copel Integrated Report

*Temporarily only in Portuguese

Reports from previous years

See the reports