



In order to promote continuous improvement in its sustainability performance, Copel guides its actions and procedures according to best practices, applying international standards that are widely used and validated by the market.


The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international organization of independent standards for reporting by companies, governments and other organizations with the aim of communicating impacts on issues such as climate change, human rights and corruption.

To standardize its sustainability indicators (or non-financial indicators), Copel adopts the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), known as the GRI Standards. The GRI Standards present a common language for organizations and stakeholders, with the aim of improving understanding of the economic, environmental, social and governance impacts of companies and their activities.

The indicators are used both for the internal management of these impacts, and for the external disclosure of the company’s annual performance in the publication of the Copel Integrated Report, and the Social and Environmental Responsibility and Economic and Financial Reports, required by the National Electricity Agency (Aneel).


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent, non-governmental international organization that brings together global experts to draw up international standards aimed at guiding companies in adopting sustainable and ethical practices, as well as ensuring safety, reliability and high quality in product and service development processes.

The main ISO standards used by Copel in its processes include ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 26000 and ISO 37301.


The ISO 9001 standard establishes requirements for an organization’s Quality Management System (QMS) that help to improve internal processes, improve employee training, monitor the work environment, check the satisfaction of customers, employees and suppliers, in a continuous process of improving the quality management system.


ISO14001 is a standard that deals with Environmental Management Systems with the aim of enabling companies that use it to develop their environmental impact management practices, providing better results. Copel has some of its operations certified by ISO14001, which demonstrates to all interested parties the company’s commitment to being environmentally friendly.


ISO26000 covers the subject of social responsibility in a broad way, from the historical evolution and definition of concepts, to the ways in which companies can develop socially responsible behavior. It is a voluntary standard that does not require certification, and is free to use in whole or in part.


ISO 37301 is an international standard for compliance management systems (CMS) that provides guidelines for establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, maintaining and improving an effective and responsive compliance management system within organizations.