Education Programs for Sustainability
Copel, committed to the Global Compact, has been acting for many years to consolidate sustainable development. In 2017, the EducaODS Program was created, with the objective of disseminating the commitment to sustainability, through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), among internal and external audiences.
Thus, the company’s own and outsourced employees, suppliers, partners, and society are engaged in initiatives that seek to ensure the rational use of natural resources, the preservation of biodiversity, the guarantee of human dignity, and the economic growth of the communities served by the company.

EducaODS Program
Copel, committed to the Global Compact, has been acting for many years to consolidate sustainable development. In 2017, the EducaODS Program was created, with the objective of disseminating the commitment to sustainability, through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), among internal and external audiences.

Sustainability Events
Since 2010, Copel has held annual events with the goal of strengthening the culture for sustainability, bringing content and themes focused on environmental, social, economic and governance issues, as well as sharing knowledge and experiences on the subject with the internal and external public and suppliers.
In 2019, Copel hosted the regional edition of the “Laboratório de Integração dos ODS no Setor Elétrico Brasileiro” [SDG Integration Laboratory in the Brazilian Electric Sector], the second phase of the Rede Brasil do Pacto Global initiative to accelerate the incorporation of global challenges into the business strategy of companies in the electricity sector.
The initiative was launched in 2017, with a survey that diagnosed the level of understanding and commitment of companies in the sector with the SDGs. The workshop, dedicated to unfolding the goals of the priority SDGs for the sector’s planning, presented examples of Copel and Itaipu’s actions, aligned with the SDGs.