National SDG Movement - We Can

The National SDG We Can Movement has a non-partisan, ecumenical and plural character. It was founded in 2004 to work towards the global development agenda defined by the United Nations. It is the result of the articulation of volunteers from the three sectors of Brazilian society to promote the improvement of society’s living conditions, from the perspective of sustainable development in Brazil and internationally.

Mission: Articulate and mobilize all sectors of society to promote the achievement of the SDGs at the municipal, state and national level.

Vision: Having Brazil as a global reference in achieving the SDGs, with the integrated participation of people, civil society organizations, companies and governments.

Values: Building a better, socially inclusive, environmentally sustainable and economically balanced world forms the basis of the values ​​that unite us: citizenship, cooperation, solidarity, transparency, ethics and diversity.

To learn more, visit the National SDG Movement page.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

The SDGs are a global agenda that comprises 17 objectives and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030.

The 17 SDGs constitute a set of goals that should guide the strategies of companies and public policies in countries and, mainly, inspire each person to create new habits, lifestyles and more responsible consumption patterns.

Comprehensive, integrated and universal, the objectives include cross-cutting themes that require broad partnerships, multisectoral coordination and between different spheres of government.

These challenges can be organized into five main dimensions (the 5 Ps): People, Prosperity, Peace, Partnerships and Planet.

Copel, as a signatory to the Global Compact, considers that the SDGs are a great opportunity to demonstrate its positioning in relation to sustainable development in alignment with its value generation strategy.

Commitments of the National SDG Movement

1. Contribute to the implementation of the SDGs, respecting the way in which each organization operates, and be ready to cooperate collectively with partners and other stakeholders;

2. Mobilize, articulate, support and collaborate with public authorities, companies, civil society organizations and other organizations, making available productions and experiences that can contribute to the implementation of the SDGs;

3. Integrate initiatives in line with the SDGs and related public policies, taking into account the way the organization operates and its internal priorities in promoting the goals, as well as implementing internal procedures to disseminate and provide guidance on aspects related to the SDGs;

4. Promote and encourage the adaptation of indicators and targets to the realities of states and municipalities, reflecting regional challenges and inequalities by population group;

5. Encourage studies and research on the evaluation of the implementation of the SDGs and the performance of their indicators and targets;

6. Encourage the creation of inclusive and sustainable projects and/or businesses among their stakeholders and, in the case of economic agents, also among value chains that contribute to the implementation of the SDGs;

7. Adopt or reinforce all the necessary actions and procedures so that the people within its structures are aware of the SDGs and can contribute to their implementation;

8. Disseminate content on the SDGs, made available by MNODS and the SDG Strategy, on its communication channels and networks;

9. Integrate, support and participate in the activities of the state, regional and municipal nuclei of the We Can SDG National Movement.


Other voluntary commitments by Copel are:

  • Agenda 2030;
  • Stakeholder Capitalism;
  • Call to Action for Governments to Fight Corruption;
  • Combating Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents;
  • Combating Discrimination and Valuing Diversity;
  • Brazilian Business Commitment to Biodiversity;
  • Conselho Paranaense de Cidadania Empresarial (Paranaense Business Citizenship Council);
  • Business Contribution for the Promotion of a Green and Inclusive Economy;
  • Declaration Call to Action for Governments to Fight Corruption;
  • Pro-Ethical Companies;
  • Entrepreneurs for the Climate;
  • Eradication of Child, Forced or Compulsory Labor;
  • National Movement ODS We Can;
  • Movement Transparency 100%;
  • Movement Net Zero Ambition;
  • Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption;
  • Global Compact (UN);
  • Pact for Integrity;
  • Prevention of moral harassment and sexual harassment;
  • Women Empowerment Principles (WEP);
  • Principles for Responsible Manegement Education (PRME);
  • Pro-Gender and Race Equity Program;
  • Network of Companies for Learning and Eradication of Child Labor; and
  • Respect for free trade union association and the right to collective bargaining.