Information and Relationship Program with the GET Community

Copel promotes relationship initiatives with communities surrounding energy generation, transmission and distribution projects with the aim of establishing contact, understanding demands and resolving doubts regarding the implementation or operation of its facilities.

Still in the planning phase of the projects, a telephone number (0800) and electronic contact (e-mail) are disclosed to answer the questions of all those who will be directly affected. In addition, on this site you can find different channels of contact with the Company.

Periodic campaigns

Campaigns are also carried out to inform the population about how to care for a safe relationship with the electricity grid, including broadcasting radio spots, distributing information material (Programa Boa Vizinhança GET), publicizing press releases and events.

In addition, Copel also welcomes the community to its facilities, by scheduling visits to the plants and spaces maintained with a focus on educational activities, such as the Iguaçu Regional Museum and the Energy Space.


All community relationship actions follow the guidelines established for the Copel group in the Communication Policy.

The management of the impacts generated by CopelGeT in the communities is based on the following policies and guidelines:

  • Sustainability Policy, which establishes the parameters to be followed by its board, staff and partners in decision-making, respect for stakeholders and broad promotion of ethics and respect for diversity in the conduct of its business;
  • National Environmental Policy;
  • Constraints of the environmental licensing processes, through compliance with the scope and term of the constraints of the projects;
  • Universal human rights precepts.

The results are measured by monitoring the implementation of socio-environmental programs and maintaining the regularity of the environmental licenses necessary for the implementation and operation of the projects. Copel Geração e Transmissão has the concept of sustainability incorporated into its processes and businesses, generating value for the communities surrounding its projects and for society in general.


Learn about other Copel programs

Cultivate Energy

Cultivar Energia is a corporate socio-environmental program, whose main objective is to make community gardens viable in urban spaces beneath Copel power lines in partnership

Solid Waste and PCB Management Program

Copel GET’s Environmental Management Program includes, among others, the Solid Waste Management Subprogram, developed in accordance with the National Solid Waste Policy and current legislation

Night Irrigation/Aquaculture Tariff

Federal Government program, made possible by Copel, which offers discounts of 60% to 70% on the electricity tariff for irrigation and aquaculture activities at the