Iluminando Gerações Program

The Iluminando Gerações Program aims to provide communities in municipalities within Copel’s concession area with informational and preventive guidance on sustainability, conscious and safe use of electricity, rational use of natural resources and the correct disposal of waste. These guidelines reach communities through lectures and events and are considered by the Company to be a program of great relevance due to their contribution to raising society’s awareness on the topics.

All students who participate in lectures or other events receive a School Kit, consisting of: Electric Energy and You Booklet (available at Educational Materials); personalized notebook and rulers; pencil; eraser, sharpener and a card of Lúcio mascot stickers, with tips and guidance on the topics covered.

Specific objectives of the Program

  • Develop socialization among children and adolescents;
    Guide communities on the conscious and safe use of electricity;
  • Alert about the necessary care with electricity;
    Encourage our employees to participate in volunteering actions;
  • Disseminate information about safety and sustainability in all municipalities served by Copel Distribuição;
  • Contribute to reducing the number of electrical accidents in communities;
  • Stimulate the development of complementary educational activities that seek to change the consumption habits of the school community;
  • Encourage a change in the habits of spectators/consumers in order to reduce energy consumption.


All municipalities in the State of Paraná, under the Copel Distribuição concession.


To delimit the instructors’ areas of activity, the municipalities to be served are divided into regions – East, Central-South, Northwest, North and West –, according to the areas covered by the existing Internal Accident Prevention Commissions (CIPAS).

Program Structure

The program is subdivided into projects and actions according to different segments, audiences, cultural differences, needs and expectations. The program’s actions are:

  • Lectures in Schools
  • Electrifying Stories Theater
  • Energy Efficiency Van
  • Smartphone games
  • Didactic videos available on the internet


The lectures are held on the initiative of Copel and also at the request of interested schools and institutions, together with the Program’s regional facilitators and/or representatives of CIPAS in each region.

The lectures are aimed at students in the 4th and 5th year of elementary school at municipal public schools.

To consolidate knowledge, after the lectures, each participating student receives a kit containing:

  • Booklet “Lighting Generations Program – Electric energy and you!”
  • Journal
  • Pencil
  • Rubber
  • Sharpener
  • Ruler
  • Envelope
  • Label
  • Lúcio sticker card


The “Electric Energy and You” Booklet addresses, in language inspired by comic books, the care of electrical energy, sustainability and natural resources, in addition to bringing educational games to capture the content presented.

The material was revised in order to expand the content covered, mainly covering risk situations with a higher rate of accidents in communities, as well as sustainability and energy efficiency.

To review this content, interested parties were consulted, with emphasis on employees who act directly as content multipliers with schools and are aware of the needs and expectations indicated by the schools’ teaching staff and especially the users of the booklets. The areas of safety, environment and energy efficiency also participated in reviewing and complementing the booklet’s contents.

Electrifying Stories Theater

Theatrical show developed based on the theme of Energy. In the show Histórias Eletrizandos, the central thread of the story is an investigation that takes place in a fictional city that is frozen in time.

In a playful and interactive way, topics such as the prevention of electrical energy accidents, energy efficiency and conscious consumption are addressed, highlighting citizenship values ​​and attitudes. A story with music, dolls, magic and lots of fun.

The Electrifying Stories Theater performances take place according to demand and schedule availability of the group of actors/producers of the show, hired by Copel.

Smartphone games

Communication is an important tool for organizational growth. Carried out efficiently and transparently, it promotes understanding of purposes and cohesion among organization members.

With this in mind, in addition to publicizing its actions and management strategies through annual reports, Copel also uses various instruments to expand internal and external communication and raise awareness regarding sensitive topics.

In 2023, the Iluminando Gerações Program gained increased interactivity with children. To assist in education on the conscious and safe use of energy, Copel launched two games for cell phones, available free of charge through the Google Play application store, for the Android operating system.

The games “Se Liga” and “Click Esperto” were specially designed for children aged seven to ten years old, as a complement to the program content, which brings information through lectures, theater, videos and printed materials to the final years of Elementary School I, throughout Paraná.

With digital games, children now have another way to put into practice, in a playful way, what they have already learned about conscious consumption and preventing electric shock.

Once downloaded, the games work without an internet connection, therefore they do not require the consumption of mobile data, nor do they expose children to connections with other users.

Didactic videos

The Iluminando Gerações Program had to reinvent itself after the pandemic to continue providing children with information about the safe and conscious use of electrical energy. The way found for this was the production of a series of videos, published on Copel’s YouTube channel and shared with schools throughout Paraná.

The series stars the well-known duo Jacuí and Maricota, who carry a message full of humor.

Copel’s educational playlist explains the energy path, and also addresses the following topics:

Path of energy
Safe use of the shower, sockets, power strip and cell phone
Care when flying a kite
Importance of tethering the dog on the day of the reading
What to do in case of shock
Efficient use of energy
Selective collection
Conscious water consumption

Program volunteers in all regions of Paraná share this content with schools in municipal networks, which offer 4th and 5th years of Elementary School I, the Program’s target audience.

To watch the videos, access the playlist here.

In 2022, 54,233 students were served by viewing the videos produced, lectures in schools, theatrical presentations and downloads of educational games.

In 2023, 77,610 students were served through lectures in schools, theatrical presentations, fairs, events, viewing of educational videos and downloads of educational games.

In the last 15 years, the Iluminando Gerações Program has surpassed the mark of 1.5 million participating students.​​​​​​​

Energy Efficiency Van

Under the guidance of the company’s technicians, the Energy Efficiency Van has inside a sequence of interactive panels, electronic models and lighting effects that simulate consumption and reveal the path taken by electrical energy, from generation in the plants to its arrival at the end users.

The main objective of working with the Energy Efficiency Van is to provide guidance on the importance of the conscious and safe use of energy and the preservation of the environment.

Educational Games

Communication is an important tool for organizational growth. Carried out efficiently and transparently, it promotes understanding of purposes and cohesion among organization members. With this in mind, in addition to publicizing its actions and management strategies through annual reports, Copel also uses various instruments to expand internal and external communication and raise awareness regarding sensitive topics.

Some educational games are available in virtual format on the Copel website, under Educational Games.



In partnership with Regional Education Centers in some regions, live sessions are promoted aimed at students, teachers and the school community in general. In these lives the topics contained in the Program’s booklet are addressed, focusing on guidance on how to approach the content, clarifying doubts and identifying necessary improvements regarding the approach to each topic. It is a way of training teachers on the content and contributing to the dissemination of content among students.


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