Human Rights Program

Copel has maintained, since 2018, the Human Rights Program, aligned with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and founded on the following practices:-

  • analysis, development and refinement of Copel’s policies and regulations for prevention, inspection and mitigation of violations;
  • production and dissemination of didactic materials, with information about Copel’s denunciation channels to be accessed, in case violations are identified;
  • holding courses, lectures and awareness-raising actions aimed at the internal public, outsourced employees, the production chain and the local community;

The Human Rights Program is related to the Sustainable Development Goals, especially to SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth, which is one of the 6 SDGs prioritized by Copel and the 5 prioritized by the Brazilian electricity sector.


Learn about other Copel programs

Riparian Forests

Copel has more than 14 thousand hectares of Permanent Preservation Areas – PPAs around its reservoirs, which have been managed since 2005 by the Ciliar