Human Rights Program

Copel has maintained, since 2018, the Human Rights Program, aligned with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and founded on the following practices:-

  • analysis, development and refinement of Copel’s policies and regulations for prevention, inspection and mitigation of violations;
  • production and dissemination of didactic materials, with information about Copel’s denunciation channels to be accessed, in case violations are identified;
  • holding courses, lectures and awareness-raising actions aimed at the internal public, outsourced employees, the production chain and the local community;

The Human Rights Program is related to the Sustainable Development Goals, especially to SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth, which is one of the 6 SDGs prioritized by Copel and the 5 prioritized by the Brazilian electricity sector.


Learn about other Copel programs

More Than Energy Program

The Mais que Energia Program was designed by Copel Distribuição aiming to improve the quality of social assistance through support for projects aimed at specific