


Projeto Ciclo de Profissões

In 2021, the EletriCidadania Program, in partnership with Tecpar, started the Project Cycle of Professions, which aims to help high school students from public schools to plan their careers, providing the opportunity to learn about different areas of activity so that they can evaluate the careers with which they identify.  This project mobilized, in 2021 and 2022, 190 volunteers who did 852 hours of volunteer work, being divided into two phases:

Professions Showcase – 2021

An opening lecture about Career Planning and videos about several professions, showing how the professionals’ daily lives are, the necessary training, etc. The videos of the Professions Showcase are available on the Tecpar Official Youtube Channel.


  • 3376 views on the videos in 2021.

Mentoring – 2021 and 2022

Online meetings with a mentor, that is, a professional volunteer who offers advice related to planning and/or developing the professional life of high school students, reporting learnings and obstacles overcome by him/her, expanding views on the different realities that surround them.


  • 144 High School students enrolled;
  • Average score of 9.1 in the mentors’ evaluation;
  • Average score of 9.75 in the students’ evaluation.

In 2022, the Project Cycle of Professions was chosen as the best project in the South Region in the Corporate Volunteering category of the National Volunteering Incentive Award 2022, granted by the Federal Government. Copel, which obtained the third highest score in the country, had already won the same award (which at the time was called Viva Voluntário) in 2018, in the category Volunteering in the Public Sector, with the EletriCidadania program.

This year’s initiative was also a finalist in the Aplaude 2022 Award – Voluntary Actions that Transform, promoted by the Integrated Center for Studies and Programs for Sustainable Development (CIEDS), curated by the Global Compact and supported by UNV (United Nations Volunteers).

The Applaud: Voluntary Actions that Transform 2022 Award is promoted by the Brazilian Council of Corporate Volunteering (CBVE), held by the Integrated Center for Studies and Programs on Sustainable Development (CIEDS), curated by the Global Compact and supported by the UNV (United Nations Volunteers). In this edition there were 113 participating projects, which mobilized 70,800 volunteers and impacted 2,400,000 people directly and indirectly.


Learn about other Copel programs

Riparian Forests

Copel has more than 14 thousand hectares of Permanent Preservation Areas – PPAs around its reservoirs, which have been managed since 2005 by the Ciliar

Water Quality Monitoring

Copel periodically monitors the quality of the water in its reservoirs, assessing the limnological conditions in the area of ​​influence of the hydroelectric generation projects,