


Provider and Partner Management

Supply chain management is an important pillar of corporate responsibility with regard to the environmental, social and governance dimensions. Through strategies and contractual requirements, Copel improves the management of its production chain and optimizes resources for the benefit of the community, in order to incorporate in internal and external relations values that expand citizenship, dialog between the parties, ethics and transparency.

Among the risks related to the supply chain, the following stand out: accidents with employees; accidents or damage to the population; precarious working conditions and facilities.

Especially in the economic-social dimension, there are risks related to Copel’s economic-financial dependence, legal obligations, tax, social and labor charges, and salaries and payment surcharges.

The risks related to the environment involve disrespect for environmental legislation, the inadequate source of inputs and the deficiency in waste treatment. Copel seeks to mitigate these risks by determining strict hiring rules, reaffirming its commitment to sustainable development.

Supply Chain Management

As it is a mixed-capital company, Copel is subject to Federal Law No. 13.303/16 and the Internal Regulation for Bids and Contracts, which restrict supplier selection actions. However, in addition to the legal obligations, the Company uses, as main criteria in the selection of suppliers, compliance with labor legislation and respect for human rights, fiscal suitability and environmental commitment.

The criteria are defined in the bidding notices, contractual clauses, supplier registration manuals and the Code of Conduct, in addition to standards and technical manuals permanently available to those interested on the company’s website.

Provider Management

The procurement and contracting processes are based on the Internal Tendering and Contracts Regulation, in force since 07.01.2018, as well as in the respective legislation that regulates the forms of contracting (through bidding and its modalities, by means of dispensation in accordance with the foreseen items or by means of unenforceability, characterized by the unfeasibility of competition), including Law No. 10.520/2002 (which establishes the bidding modality called “trading session”) and Complementary Law No. 123/2006 (which establishes the National Micro-Company and Company Statute Small business).

Despite the fact that its selection actions are restricted by current legislation, the Company uses as criteria in the selection of suppliers, compliance with labor, human rights, tax and environmental laws, which are applicable to all companies that may be hired.