Corporate Policies

In line with Copel’s values, commitments and best governance and management practices, we present below the main corporate policies that guide the Company’s business positioning.

Establishes sustainability guidelines for the actions of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding), its wholly-owned subsidiaries (SIs), subsidiaries, jointly-controlled companies and affiliated companies. Read in full.

NPC 0303 – Version 8 of Mar. 20, 2024

Establishes guidelines that guide the allocation and management of financial investments of the cash and cash equivalents of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding), its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs and direct and indirect subsidiaries, hereinafter referred to as Copel. Read in full.

NPC 0101 – Version 2 of Aug. 04, 2021

It establishes the guidelines for the annual performance evaluation process, individually and collectively, of the statutory bodies of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel and its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs. Read in full.

NPC 0319 – Version 2 of Dec. 07, 2022

Establishes guidelines for the receipt, retention and treatment of communications made in the Confidential Communication Channel of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding) and its wholly owned subsidiaries. Read in full.

NPC 0305 – Version 9 of Sep. 22, 2022

Establishes guidelines for the commercialization of energy within the scope of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries (SIs). Read in full.

NPC 0701 – Version 1 of Feb. 15, 2017

Establishes corporate communication guidelines for Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs. Read in full.

NPC 0310 – Version 4 of Apr. 18, 2022 

Establishes guidelines for the hiring of independent audit services and maintenance of their independence within the scope of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding), its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs and subsidiaries, respecting their corporate procedures. Read in full.

NPC 0108 – Version 2 of Aug. 4, 2021

Establishes the guidelines for the distribution of profits to the shareholders of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding), considering the legislation related to the subject and the statutory definitions. Read in full.

NPC 0107 – Version 1 of Jan. 20, 2021

Establishes guidelines to be observed and followed by all related persons regarding the disclosure of relevant information and the maintenance of confidentiality of information that has not yet been disclosed to the public, within the scope of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding), its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs and controlled companies and / or under common control. Read in full.

NPC 0103 – Version 6 of Feb. 16, 2022

Establishes guidelines to guide the management of people at Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding) and its wholly owned subsidiaries – SIs. Read in full.

NPC 0401 – Version 4 of Mar. 16, 2022

It establishes the guidelines for the corporate risk management process integrated with strategy and performance, being applicable to Companhia Paranaense de Energia (Holding), its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs and direct and indirect subsidiaries, hereinafter referred to as Copel. Read in full.

NPC 0104 – Version 10 of Dec. 13, 2023

Establishes the standard and best practices of corporate governance adopted by Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel and its wholly-owned subsidiaries. Read in full.

NPC 0308 – Version 4 of Sep. 22, 2021

Establish the guidelines, limits and procedures that should govern the Indemnity Contracts addressed to the Managers, Fiscal Councilors, members of the Company’s statutory committees, adopted by Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel Holding and its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs (direct), respecting their corporate procedures. Read in full.

NPC 0324 – Version 1 of Apr. 29, 2022 

Establish guidelines for the appointment of members of statutory bodies of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding), its wholly-owned subsidiaries and its direct or indirect equity interests, including other positions provided for in a shareholders’ agreement. Read in full.

NPC 0315 – Version 3 of Sep. 20, 2023

Defines principles and guidelines of corporate integrity in the conduct of business of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding), its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs and subsidiaries, respecting their corporate procedures. Read in full.

NPC 0313 – Version 3 of Apr. 10, 2024

Establish the guidelines for the innovation actions of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding), its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs and controlled companies, respecting their corporate procedures. Read in full.

NPC 0318 – Version 1 of Jan. 24, 2024

To establish guidelines for the evaluation, selection, approval and monitoring of investments in projects, acquisition of equity interests or new businesses (operational, strategic and innovation), objects of capital budget, to be observed and applied in Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding), in its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs (direct and indirect) and controlled companies (direct and indirect), hereinafter referred to as Copel, respecting their corporate procedures, proportionally to the relevance, materiality and risks of the business in which they participate. This Policy is recommended to jointly controlled companies, affiliated companies and other corporate interests of Copel, respecting their corporate procedures, proportionally to the relevance, materiality and risks of the business in which they participate. Read in full.

NPC 0109 – Version 01 of March 17, 2021 

Establishes guidelines to be observed and followed by related persons regarding the trading of securities issued by Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding). Read in full.

NPC 0102 – Version 6 of Feb. 16, 2022

Establishes guidelines that help ensure that transactions between Related Parties are carried out in the best interest of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs and are based on the principles of independence, competitiveness, compliance, transparency, fairness and commutativity. Read in full.

NPC 0106 – Version 8 of Jan. 26, 2022 

Establishes guidelines for the remuneration of members of the statutory bodies of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding), and its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs and controlled companies, respecting their corporate procedures, with investors, shareholders, analysts, financial market regulatory bodies and others capital market institutions, hereinafter referred to as capital market. Read in full.

NPC 0321 – Version 2 of Dec. 13, 2023 

It establishes guidelines for Copel’s ombudsman function, considering its importance for the fulfillment of the mission, for the achievement of the vision and for the compliance of the application of ethical values and other policies defined by Copel. Read in full.

NPC 0307 – Version 5 of Jan. 16, 2022 

Establishes guidelines related to the management of corporate holdings (subsidiaries, jointly controlled companies, associates and other corporate holdings) of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs. Read in full.

NPC 0316 – Version 02 of Mar. 14, 2023

Establishes the guidelines for granting sponsorship within the scope of Companhia Paranaense de Energia (Holding), its wholly-owned subsidiaries and direct and indirect subsidiaries, hereinafter referred to as Copel. This Policy is recommended to jointly-controlled subsidiaries, affiliated companies and other corporate interests of Copel, respecting their corporate procedures, in proportion to the relevance, materiality and risks of the business in which they participate. Read in full.

NPC 0309 – Version 5 of Sep. 29, 2022

Establish guidelines for the collection and processing of personal data of individuals, who are customers, employees, administrators, contractors, suppliers, shareholders, business partners, other stakeholders, and their respective related parties, within the scope of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding) of its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs (direct and indirect) and subsidiaries (direct and indirect), hereinafter referred to as Copel, respecting its corporate procedures. Read in full.

NPC 0322 – Version 2 of Jan. 26, 2022

Establishes guidelines for the quality management of processes, products and services, applicable according to the purposes of each process, within the scope of the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries. Read in full.

NPC 0314 – Version 03 of Oct. 04, 2022

Establishes the guidelines for the relationship of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding), and its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs and controlled companies, respecting their corporate procedures, with investors, shareholders, analysts, financial market regulators and other capital market institutions, hereinafter referred to as capital markets. Read in full.

NPC 0105 – Version 1 of Fev. 16, 2022

NPC 0105

Establishes guidelines for Information Security at Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs. Read in full.

NPC 0301 – Version 13 of Jun. 15, 2022

Establishes guidelines for occupational safety and health at Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding) and its wholly owned subsidiaries – SIs. Read in full.

NPC 0402 – Version 5 of Jun. 21, 2023

Establishes guidelines for Supply Logistics within the scope of Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding) and its wholly owned subsidiaries – SIs. Read in full.

NPC 0201 – Version 1 of Jul. 3, 2017

Establishes guidelines for the use of Information Technology at Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding) and its wholly owned subsidiaries – SIs. Read in full.

NPC 0302 – Version 14 of Oct. 04, 2023

Establish guidelines to guide the practice of outsourcing at Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (Holding), its wholly-owned subsidiaries – SIs (direct and indirect) and subsidiaries (direct and indirect), hereinafter Copel, respecting their corporate procedures. It is also applicable, as a recommendation, to jointly controlled companies, affiliated companies and other corporate interests, respecting their corporate procedures. Read in Full.

NPC 0304 – Version 3 of Jan. 20, 2021